Sanagan's is my top choice for meats in Toronto, run by Peter Sanagan who has much passionate zeal for local, real food. Many cuts of meat displayed have the farmer and or farm name that produced them. Get all kinds of naturally raised, quality healthy meats, fowl, and even ready-made hot food, to go or eat in! I also love their Bufala yogourt- incredibly rich and creamy! Bufala is the same kind of cow-water buffalo hybrid the Italians make their scrumptious mozzarella di bufala from. Very rich and exquisite. Find duck, quail, lamb, beef (of course) chicken that actually tastes like country-raised chicken and various other prepped food such as patés and sausages here, in Kensington market, 176 Baldwin St, off Spadina, south of College.
Sanagan's is my top choice for meats in Toronto, run by Peter Sanagan who has much passionate zeal for local, real food. Many cuts of meat displayed have the farmer and or farm name that produced them. Get all kinds of naturally raised, quality healthy meats, fowl, and even ready-made hot food, to go or eat in! I also love their Bufala yogourt- incredibly rich and creamy! Bufala is the same kind of cow-water buffalo hybrid the Italians make their scrumptious mozzarella di bufala from. Very rich and exquisite. Find duck, quail, lamb, beef (of course) chicken that actually tastes like country-raised chicken and various other prepped food such as patés and sausages here, in Kensington market, 176 Baldwin St, off Spadina, south of College.

I like a fishmonger that can tell me where the fish comes from. I prefer Canadian caught, or European far north. And Domenic's in the St Lawrence market can. Good fish, fresh, fairly priced. Good fish is not going to be cheap (well, actually Norwegian frozen mackerel, one of my faves he sells is) but it's worth it. Also excellent is his near neighbour inside the market, Seafront. They have decent prices too, and are knowledgeable, helpful, and honest. Remember St Lawrence is closed Mondays. I also buy wild caught sea smelts from Peru at my local Food Basics. 6 bucks for a kilo! Good and tasty when baked and also cheap! They also sometimes carry red fish from Portugal, which are truly delicious. I bake them as well. Fast, easy, tasty. Smaller fish are always better choices for health than larger fish. Farmed fish are an ecological and health disaster, so I always avoid farmed fish.
I like a fishmonger that can tell me where the fish comes from. I prefer Canadian caught, or European far north. And Domenic's in the St Lawrence market can. Good fish, fresh, fairly priced. Good fish is not going to be cheap (well, actually Norwegian frozen mackerel, one of my faves he sells is) but it's worth it. Also excellent is his near neighbour inside the market, Seafront. They have decent prices too, and are knowledgeable, helpful, and honest. Remember St Lawrence is closed Mondays. I also buy wild caught sea smelts from Peru at my local Food Basics. 6 bucks for a kilo! Good and tasty when baked and also cheap! They also sometimes carry red fish from Portugal, which are truly delicious. I bake them as well. Fast, easy, tasty. Smaller fish are always better choices for health than larger fish. Farmed fish are an ecological and health disaster, so I always avoid farmed fish.

Bye bye Noahs
Noah's first store on Bloor, at Spadina looked like a museum dedicated to 1970's health stores, even if it opened in the '80's. I have a soft spot for Noah's because back in 1990 I moved downtown across the street from this place and it was an important part of my organic and alternative education. I used to take almost every pamphlet they had on all kinds of health products and study them, along with free health magazines. Now closed, sorry guys.
Noah's first store on Bloor, at Spadina looked like a museum dedicated to 1970's health stores, even if it opened in the '80's. I have a soft spot for Noah's because back in 1990 I moved downtown across the street from this place and it was an important part of my organic and alternative education. I used to take almost every pamphlet they had on all kinds of health products and study them, along with free health magazines. Now closed, sorry guys.

Alternative Thinking is a totally awesome store that I love, on Bathurst near Bloor. They sell;
I bought amazing sea lettuce seaweed there, as well as super fresh, soft and amazing bee pollen. The best clay I have ever used to detox ever! Called ZeoForce zeolite clay. Not a lot of health foods but what they do have is unique and just amazing! They also sell some ready to eat foods and have a juice bar that is truly healthy.
758 Bathurst Street, 12-9pm every day. 647.932.8311 visit alternative-thinking.com
- health foods
- health supplements
- mandala posters of all types
- crystals
- incense and smudge
- groovy far-out clothes
- books, many of which are real treasures
I bought amazing sea lettuce seaweed there, as well as super fresh, soft and amazing bee pollen. The best clay I have ever used to detox ever! Called ZeoForce zeolite clay. Not a lot of health foods but what they do have is unique and just amazing! They also sell some ready to eat foods and have a juice bar that is truly healthy.
758 Bathurst Street, 12-9pm every day. 647.932.8311 visit alternative-thinking.com

Markie's Pharmacy, run by Markie himself! This is a locally owned, awesome pharmacy. If your Dr. actually prescribes something useful, like say custom blended bio-identical hormone cream for the ladies, Mark or his colleagues can hook you up. He carries a wonderful assortment of natural products in the store; things I have purchased there include some Kroeger Ginkgo, my favourite kind, and some biotin 5000mcg and a foot pad night time detox herbal thingy from Korea.
1240 Bay St, just north of Bloor, tel 416.969.9332
web markiepharmacy.com
1240 Bay St, just north of Bloor, tel 416.969.9332
web markiepharmacy.com

Was near Eglinton and Dufferin in May of this year (2023) and stumbled across this gem. Lots and I mean lots of organic produce, looking very good and well priced!
Also some good honeys and teas and other healthy groceries.
SunLong natural market, 1895 Eglinton Ave West, just west of Dufferin on the south side. Tel (416) 780-9339.
Also some good honeys and teas and other healthy groceries.
SunLong natural market, 1895 Eglinton Ave West, just west of Dufferin on the south side. Tel (416) 780-9339.

Baldwin Naturals Health Food Store
Has a DIZZYING array of stuff! Like OMG this diminutive store has more cookies, jams, snacks, drinks, dairy, pasta, candles, beans, bread, just flippin' everything!! I really think they have more products and certainly more Canadian products than Whole Foods (Whole Paycheque is what some friends call it), in a small store.
Shelves are packed full, packed and stacked to the rafters!
Run by a local couple of Torontonians. Definitely not a chain, but a one-off, local and delivery store. If you can't find it here, you can't find it anywhere!
16 Baldwin St, runs east west between Beverly and McCaul, south of College, between University and Spadina (416) 979-1777 M5T 1L2
Has a DIZZYING array of stuff! Like OMG this diminutive store has more cookies, jams, snacks, drinks, dairy, pasta, candles, beans, bread, just flippin' everything!! I really think they have more products and certainly more Canadian products than Whole Foods (Whole Paycheque is what some friends call it), in a small store.
Shelves are packed full, packed and stacked to the rafters!
Run by a local couple of Torontonians. Definitely not a chain, but a one-off, local and delivery store. If you can't find it here, you can't find it anywhere!
16 Baldwin St, runs east west between Beverly and McCaul, south of College, between University and Spadina (416) 979-1777 M5T 1L2

Keto Doughnuts? or Can Bread fit into a low carb diet?
Well, read on because I have found the bakery for you!
Butternut Baking Co. on Dundas west, a short bus ride north from Dundas west station, in the Junction neighbourhood.
I met the two owners and they are very knowledgeable and passionate about healthy eating. Truly an amazing list of ingredients and know-how. Truly healthy frying oils used here; coconut and ethically sourced rainforest friendly palm. I wrote a huge paper in my BSc. studies about these two tropical fats in 1992, several years before the coconut oil craze.
Sweeteners are stevia, lo han guo (monkfruit) and some healthy caloric sweeteners in some products.
I was so impressed at how we were on the same page; the owners and I, talking about nutrition. believe me, I have met many a clueless RD, masters degreed and PhD'd nutrition person who didn't know the first thing about REAL nutrition and health, so these two were a breath of fresh air.
Finally, a doughnut I would eat, and openly recommend.
Also on offer is grain free keto friendly breads and a plethora of desserts.
BUTTER NUT www.thebutternut.ca
2143 Dundas St west, M6R 1X1 tel; 416-767-2992
Well, read on because I have found the bakery for you!
Butternut Baking Co. on Dundas west, a short bus ride north from Dundas west station, in the Junction neighbourhood.
I met the two owners and they are very knowledgeable and passionate about healthy eating. Truly an amazing list of ingredients and know-how. Truly healthy frying oils used here; coconut and ethically sourced rainforest friendly palm. I wrote a huge paper in my BSc. studies about these two tropical fats in 1992, several years before the coconut oil craze.
Sweeteners are stevia, lo han guo (monkfruit) and some healthy caloric sweeteners in some products.
I was so impressed at how we were on the same page; the owners and I, talking about nutrition. believe me, I have met many a clueless RD, masters degreed and PhD'd nutrition person who didn't know the first thing about REAL nutrition and health, so these two were a breath of fresh air.
Finally, a doughnut I would eat, and openly recommend.
Also on offer is grain free keto friendly breads and a plethora of desserts.
BUTTER NUT www.thebutternut.ca
2143 Dundas St west, M6R 1X1 tel; 416-767-2992