Auto-immunity - (the myth of)
I had read several brilliant practitioners and researchers saying that auto immunity was not what the mainstream thought. Over time, I got a clear picture of what "auto immunity" actually was.
Numerous brilliant minds have concluded independently that it is not the way medicine describes- that "your immune system has turned against you".
There was a lot of proof to back up the questioning of the status quo. The Jaffe- Mellor team put it very poetically; "your immune system loves you", so why would it turn against you? Indeed.
Donald W. Scott, a brilliant, connect-the-dots kind of researcher, began to really clarify the issue for me, with his findings of hidden pathogens, or "stealth bugs", causing things like chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and even diabetes type I, where the official word is that a deranged immune system attacks the islet cells of the pancreas; goodbye insulin!
What Scott is saying is this; the bad hidden bug is being attacked, the immune system does not win the battle, and it becomes a prolonged affair, with lots of collateral damage (kinda sounds like foreign American Military operations- but I digress).
Hulda Clark is another amazing mind, who has much to contribute here. She is a frequency whiz, who can find all the bugs- no matter how hidden they are.
She finds, EVERY TIME, a bug, or super bug, in every case of autoimmune stuff, including but not limited to all the conditions listed above.
She identifies the bug, and treats it appropriately- with herbs, vits, other supplements, and a killing, specific frequency for the bug in question. Frequency medicine is very powerful, amazingly benign to the host (that would be the patient), and very very scary to Big Phat Pharma. Just look up what they did to Royal Rife (I know, weird name)- the FDA, and the FBI, all in Big Pharma's pockets, shut down and vandalised Rife's lab, destroying this incredible man's career. He dared to cure people with frequencies (plus he invented a super-cool microscope that no one came close to for the next 40 years or so).
The bottom line is, if you have an "auto immune" condition, then, in the experience of many astute practitioners, and my own feedback and experience, you need to strengthen your immune system. I would always choose for myself to strengthen it, and not to suppress it with the drugs currently used to "treat" autoimmunity.MS, Lupus, Graves, Hashimoto's and other auto immune conditions. With the evidence pointing to viral, bacterial, or mycoplasmic "bad guys", the way out is to strengthen your body so it gets rid of the pathogens, and then calls off the troops (immune system) naturally.
The standard medical autoimmune treatment of suppressing immune function, almost immediately brings relief and improvement. So far, so good. Until in a short time, the underlying cause (hidden bug/ stealth pathogen) regroups, recharges, and comes back with a vengeance, to take the person down quickly, at some point in the future. In other words, suppress the symptom, and the immune system, get some temporary relief, and then it comes back to bite you in the ass! Now that I mention it, this is the model for the majority of medical "treatments". We remain sick, Pharma gets rich.
I had read several brilliant practitioners and researchers saying that auto immunity was not what the mainstream thought. Over time, I got a clear picture of what "auto immunity" actually was.
Numerous brilliant minds have concluded independently that it is not the way medicine describes- that "your immune system has turned against you".
There was a lot of proof to back up the questioning of the status quo. The Jaffe- Mellor team put it very poetically; "your immune system loves you", so why would it turn against you? Indeed.
Donald W. Scott, a brilliant, connect-the-dots kind of researcher, began to really clarify the issue for me, with his findings of hidden pathogens, or "stealth bugs", causing things like chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and even diabetes type I, where the official word is that a deranged immune system attacks the islet cells of the pancreas; goodbye insulin!
What Scott is saying is this; the bad hidden bug is being attacked, the immune system does not win the battle, and it becomes a prolonged affair, with lots of collateral damage (kinda sounds like foreign American Military operations- but I digress).
Hulda Clark is another amazing mind, who has much to contribute here. She is a frequency whiz, who can find all the bugs- no matter how hidden they are.
She finds, EVERY TIME, a bug, or super bug, in every case of autoimmune stuff, including but not limited to all the conditions listed above.
She identifies the bug, and treats it appropriately- with herbs, vits, other supplements, and a killing, specific frequency for the bug in question. Frequency medicine is very powerful, amazingly benign to the host (that would be the patient), and very very scary to Big Phat Pharma. Just look up what they did to Royal Rife (I know, weird name)- the FDA, and the FBI, all in Big Pharma's pockets, shut down and vandalised Rife's lab, destroying this incredible man's career. He dared to cure people with frequencies (plus he invented a super-cool microscope that no one came close to for the next 40 years or so).
The bottom line is, if you have an "auto immune" condition, then, in the experience of many astute practitioners, and my own feedback and experience, you need to strengthen your immune system. I would always choose for myself to strengthen it, and not to suppress it with the drugs currently used to "treat" autoimmunity.MS, Lupus, Graves, Hashimoto's and other auto immune conditions. With the evidence pointing to viral, bacterial, or mycoplasmic "bad guys", the way out is to strengthen your body so it gets rid of the pathogens, and then calls off the troops (immune system) naturally.
The standard medical autoimmune treatment of suppressing immune function, almost immediately brings relief and improvement. So far, so good. Until in a short time, the underlying cause (hidden bug/ stealth pathogen) regroups, recharges, and comes back with a vengeance, to take the person down quickly, at some point in the future. In other words, suppress the symptom, and the immune system, get some temporary relief, and then it comes back to bite you in the ass! Now that I mention it, this is the model for the majority of medical "treatments". We remain sick, Pharma gets rich.

How do you strengthen the immune system?
What I would do for me would be the following, in no particular order;
a) a rotation diet, which is also fairly blood type-friendly is a good start.
Heavy immune artillery also includes;
b) big doses of vitamin C (like starting at 5000mg)
c) overall detox - see detox pages on this site
d) positive vibes; visualise, meditate on healthy and strong thoughts and feelings
e) immune boosting herbs, like echinacea, chapparal, astragalus, codopnopsis, and others.
So, the above is a good start . . .Also, do feel free to contact and work with me; I have heard first-hand about very positive experiences with auto-immunity.
What I would do for me would be the following, in no particular order;
a) a rotation diet, which is also fairly blood type-friendly is a good start.
Heavy immune artillery also includes;
b) big doses of vitamin C (like starting at 5000mg)
c) overall detox - see detox pages on this site
d) positive vibes; visualise, meditate on healthy and strong thoughts and feelings
e) immune boosting herbs, like echinacea, chapparal, astragalus, codopnopsis, and others.
So, the above is a good start . . .Also, do feel free to contact and work with me; I have heard first-hand about very positive experiences with auto-immunity.