Ayurveda For Health and Best Bodyweight
Ayurveda is an ancient amazing science from India.
This traditional effective medicine helps achieve whole health and covers physiology, nutrition, psychology, and herbology and exercise, as well as spiritual health.
It has many mirrored concepts in traditional Chinese medicine or TCM, leading some to say it gave birth to TCM.
Of course the Chinese often say TCM gave birth to Ayurveda. Myself; I just use both, and do not see why it matters who was first ..
What is of particular interest to us here is how to eat for your Ayurvedic type, and how that helps you to be lean! (as well as healthy!)
If you know the Western body types, you will have some background to help you understand the Ayurvedic body types.
Ectomorph corresponds to Vata
Mesomorph corresponds to Pitta
Endomorph corresponds to Kapha
If you want to "diagnose" what your type is, go to any Ayurvedic bodytype questionnaire, and get your score results, determining your Dosha, or dominant Ayurvedic system body type. one example of such a questionnaire is at the Body Tree website
Ayurveda is an ancient amazing science from India.
This traditional effective medicine helps achieve whole health and covers physiology, nutrition, psychology, and herbology and exercise, as well as spiritual health.
It has many mirrored concepts in traditional Chinese medicine or TCM, leading some to say it gave birth to TCM.
Of course the Chinese often say TCM gave birth to Ayurveda. Myself; I just use both, and do not see why it matters who was first ..
What is of particular interest to us here is how to eat for your Ayurvedic type, and how that helps you to be lean! (as well as healthy!)
If you know the Western body types, you will have some background to help you understand the Ayurvedic body types.
Ectomorph corresponds to Vata
Mesomorph corresponds to Pitta
Endomorph corresponds to Kapha
If you want to "diagnose" what your type is, go to any Ayurvedic bodytype questionnaire, and get your score results, determining your Dosha, or dominant Ayurvedic system body type. one example of such a questionnaire is at the Body Tree website

Are you naturally thin and lean? Do people envy how you can eat anything, and not get fat?
Do you have a quick mind- often keeping yourself awake at night by your revving mind?
Do you change your mind a lot, and thrive on change?
Do you lose weight when stressed?
Then you will help balance your body and build your health with the VATA prescription.
Vata Rx
I have much vata- so I know this one pretty well. By the way, most people are a blend of 2 or even 3 different types, however one is usually in the lead.
In my case, mostly Vata with some Pitta mixed in. Vata's element is Air. We need solidity to balance us. Heavy foods are densifying in their effect, which is medicinal for us.
We tend to have light digestion, so some enzymes can really help here. See the "mass" page on my site for some good enzyme choices.
Specifics for Vata's includes a high fat diet, to weigh us down, in a good way. Low fat, for Vata, is unbalancing.
Raw diets are a disaster for this type- therefore, cook most of your food, including your veggies.
If you really crave raw foods, chew them well, and add a firey spice, like ginger, or even cayenne. Do not overdo it- some fire is good- too much can burn up this air-based bodytype.
Vatas are drawn to light foods, raw foods, and may forget to eat- which is very unbalancing for them. They should eat every meal, as well as snacks when they can. Breakfast and lunch should be solid,always including protein.
Vatas need to exercise, as does everyone- but they are prone to over-exercise more than any other bodytype. They do well with either very light but frequent activity, or intensive exercise, infrequently.
Are you naturally thin and lean? Do people envy how you can eat anything, and not get fat?
Do you have a quick mind- often keeping yourself awake at night by your revving mind?
Do you change your mind a lot, and thrive on change?
Do you lose weight when stressed?
Then you will help balance your body and build your health with the VATA prescription.
Vata Rx
I have much vata- so I know this one pretty well. By the way, most people are a blend of 2 or even 3 different types, however one is usually in the lead.
In my case, mostly Vata with some Pitta mixed in. Vata's element is Air. We need solidity to balance us. Heavy foods are densifying in their effect, which is medicinal for us.
We tend to have light digestion, so some enzymes can really help here. See the "mass" page on my site for some good enzyme choices.
Specifics for Vata's includes a high fat diet, to weigh us down, in a good way. Low fat, for Vata, is unbalancing.
Raw diets are a disaster for this type- therefore, cook most of your food, including your veggies.
If you really crave raw foods, chew them well, and add a firey spice, like ginger, or even cayenne. Do not overdo it- some fire is good- too much can burn up this air-based bodytype.
Vatas are drawn to light foods, raw foods, and may forget to eat- which is very unbalancing for them. They should eat every meal, as well as snacks when they can. Breakfast and lunch should be solid,always including protein.
Vatas need to exercise, as does everyone- but they are prone to over-exercise more than any other bodytype. They do well with either very light but frequent activity, or intensive exercise, infrequently.

Fire is the dominant element in Pittas.
These are the athletes- naturally muscular, strong, coordinated, as well as naturally lean and slim-waisted. The superior bodytype. They are blessed with strong constitutions,and naturally fire-y digestion. They may be thrown off by excessive spice, which they actually crave. All types tend to crave what unbalances them; Pittas crave very spicy foods, which with their already fire-y constitution can really unbalance them.
Pitta Rx
A zone type diet, where fats carbs and proteins are all well represented is good for them. Not high fat, and not high carb, but balanced. Of course, protein each meal. Not spicy; little to no cayenne, chili. Pitta's fire-y digestion handles just about any protein well- including meats and poultry. They should take care not to burn out their strong constitution by abusing it; they need to put themselves to bed early, and take care not to overdo it. They can burn the candle at both ends easily, and they need to be vigilant that they do not go to excess, lest it catches up with them.
Plenty of raw foods, lots of salads and raw juice and smoothies are great for this fire sign of Ayurveda.
Fire is the dominant element in Pittas.
These are the athletes- naturally muscular, strong, coordinated, as well as naturally lean and slim-waisted. The superior bodytype. They are blessed with strong constitutions,and naturally fire-y digestion. They may be thrown off by excessive spice, which they actually crave. All types tend to crave what unbalances them; Pittas crave very spicy foods, which with their already fire-y constitution can really unbalance them.
Pitta Rx
A zone type diet, where fats carbs and proteins are all well represented is good for them. Not high fat, and not high carb, but balanced. Of course, protein each meal. Not spicy; little to no cayenne, chili. Pitta's fire-y digestion handles just about any protein well- including meats and poultry. They should take care not to burn out their strong constitution by abusing it; they need to put themselves to bed early, and take care not to overdo it. They can burn the candle at both ends easily, and they need to be vigilant that they do not go to excess, lest it catches up with them.
Plenty of raw foods, lots of salads and raw juice and smoothies are great for this fire sign of Ayurveda.

Kaphas are predominantly of Water and Earth. They are grounded, which is good, but that groundedness can tend them towards inactivity. These types are the strongest. Psychologically, they can be very jovial and generous. Like Pitta's, they can get away with abusing their strong constitutions- for a while. They can develop awesome strength, if they train heavy. They are the sumo wrestlers, the superheavyweight lifters and strength athletes that possess seemingly superhuman strength.
Their challenge is to counteract their natural tendency to gain weight. These are the types that say "I just LOOK at food, and I gain weight!". What they need is to resist what they are almost addictively drawn to; sweets, fats and creamy rich foods, in general.
Kapha Rx
They require LOTS of vegetables. Any vegetable, and lots of them consumed raw. They thrive on raw diets (unlike their Vata brothers and sisters). Fruits, too, but always raw, and in moderation.
Kapha bodies thrive on exercise. They have the highest tolerance for high volume, high intensity exercise. They need it! Their body really suffers without plentiful activity, more than other bodytypes.
Their proteins need to be light; some low fat dairy, some skinless turkey and chicken, white fleshed fish, and beans, lentils, chick peas, as well as some nuts and seeds. Careful not to go to excess on fatty nuts and seeds, although some are excellent for health.
As much as I hate to say it, for these types, low fat is ok. In fact it is a good idea!
Coconut oil, of course is an exception. Eat as much as you like- see the Easy Weight Loss page on this site for more on coconut oil . . .
Spice is also their best friend- as hot as they can handle it- pour on the cayenne, ginger, turmeric, horseradish, pepper, curry, and any other spicy, spicy stuff! Kaphas need more fire- they are water and earth, so are low in fire and air. So lots of raw food for the air element, tons of salads and definitely add fire; hot sauces which are not sugary, like Tabasco, Grace hot pepper sauce- read the ingredients, and avoid sugar. Start small if you are unaccustomed to spicy foods and work your way up- you will be a pro, and eat stuff that others fear in no time! If you really dislike hot stuff, invest in some cayenne pepper capsules, and again, work your way up patiently towards 2 caps each meal, max, and your metabolism and energy levels will respond in kind. I've had feedback of wonderful weight loss and well-being in Kaphas who take cayenne as a supplement or in their food. Not all people will react well though, and if cayenne bothers you, then go for the other fiery spices like ginger, turmeric, horseradish, pepper, and curry.
Kaphas are predominantly of Water and Earth. They are grounded, which is good, but that groundedness can tend them towards inactivity. These types are the strongest. Psychologically, they can be very jovial and generous. Like Pitta's, they can get away with abusing their strong constitutions- for a while. They can develop awesome strength, if they train heavy. They are the sumo wrestlers, the superheavyweight lifters and strength athletes that possess seemingly superhuman strength.
Their challenge is to counteract their natural tendency to gain weight. These are the types that say "I just LOOK at food, and I gain weight!". What they need is to resist what they are almost addictively drawn to; sweets, fats and creamy rich foods, in general.
Kapha Rx
They require LOTS of vegetables. Any vegetable, and lots of them consumed raw. They thrive on raw diets (unlike their Vata brothers and sisters). Fruits, too, but always raw, and in moderation.
Kapha bodies thrive on exercise. They have the highest tolerance for high volume, high intensity exercise. They need it! Their body really suffers without plentiful activity, more than other bodytypes.
Their proteins need to be light; some low fat dairy, some skinless turkey and chicken, white fleshed fish, and beans, lentils, chick peas, as well as some nuts and seeds. Careful not to go to excess on fatty nuts and seeds, although some are excellent for health.
As much as I hate to say it, for these types, low fat is ok. In fact it is a good idea!
Coconut oil, of course is an exception. Eat as much as you like- see the Easy Weight Loss page on this site for more on coconut oil . . .
Spice is also their best friend- as hot as they can handle it- pour on the cayenne, ginger, turmeric, horseradish, pepper, curry, and any other spicy, spicy stuff! Kaphas need more fire- they are water and earth, so are low in fire and air. So lots of raw food for the air element, tons of salads and definitely add fire; hot sauces which are not sugary, like Tabasco, Grace hot pepper sauce- read the ingredients, and avoid sugar. Start small if you are unaccustomed to spicy foods and work your way up- you will be a pro, and eat stuff that others fear in no time! If you really dislike hot stuff, invest in some cayenne pepper capsules, and again, work your way up patiently towards 2 caps each meal, max, and your metabolism and energy levels will respond in kind. I've had feedback of wonderful weight loss and well-being in Kaphas who take cayenne as a supplement or in their food. Not all people will react well though, and if cayenne bothers you, then go for the other fiery spices like ginger, turmeric, horseradish, pepper, and curry.