Detox Recipes
Majic Daily Oil Cleanse
This detox takes a 1/2 hr, each am - effects - sweet breath, better health, stronger teeth and gums, better gut health!
First thing in the morning, blow your nose, spit out any mucous, and take a small mouthful of virgin Sesame oil or Sunflower - don't swallow -
Without drinking the oil;
1. swirl it around in your mouth for 20 minutes or more. Not terribly convenient, but worth the effort- I promise! You may spit it out and re-load with fresh oil as many times as you like.
2. At the end of 20 minutes or more, spit out the oil, and rinse your mouth, and gargle with some water plus unrefined sea salt (get it at the health store).
3. Brush your teeth with a small pinch of sea salt, baking soda or natural no-flouride toothpaste by Green Beaver for example, and also brush or scrape the tongue. For more info on evil flouride, see what this Dentist has to say (from my heavy metal detox page)
4. Optional; floss your teeth (I use a natural waxed floss from my health store).
My good friend Tomasz sold me on this cleanse method, which is based on an Ayurvedic cleanse. He was adamant that it changed his life drastically for the better; his sleep, his energy, his skin health- and more. The results for me have also been impressive, even if they are less dramatic than his life-altering experience! I also heard excellent feedback from Dwayne, one of the practitioners who I met who also works in the Big Carrot vitamin section.
Read more about this deceptively simple yet effective detox at
Majic Daily Oil Cleanse
This detox takes a 1/2 hr, each am - effects - sweet breath, better health, stronger teeth and gums, better gut health!
First thing in the morning, blow your nose, spit out any mucous, and take a small mouthful of virgin Sesame oil or Sunflower - don't swallow -
Without drinking the oil;
1. swirl it around in your mouth for 20 minutes or more. Not terribly convenient, but worth the effort- I promise! You may spit it out and re-load with fresh oil as many times as you like.
2. At the end of 20 minutes or more, spit out the oil, and rinse your mouth, and gargle with some water plus unrefined sea salt (get it at the health store).
3. Brush your teeth with a small pinch of sea salt, baking soda or natural no-flouride toothpaste by Green Beaver for example, and also brush or scrape the tongue. For more info on evil flouride, see what this Dentist has to say (from my heavy metal detox page)
4. Optional; floss your teeth (I use a natural waxed floss from my health store).
My good friend Tomasz sold me on this cleanse method, which is based on an Ayurvedic cleanse. He was adamant that it changed his life drastically for the better; his sleep, his energy, his skin health- and more. The results for me have also been impressive, even if they are less dramatic than his life-altering experience! I also heard excellent feedback from Dwayne, one of the practitioners who I met who also works in the Big Carrot vitamin section.
Read more about this deceptively simple yet effective detox at
Liver- Gall Flush
takes 2 days - effects - improved energy, digestion, cholesterol levels, and a sweeter disposition! If you want to prolong step one, which softens and breaks up stones, you may follow the "Day 1' protocol for 2 or even 3 days without the bedtime olive oil drink, hitting the olive oil drink on the day when you actually want to flush.
Day 1
am fruit, and toast and jam, or just fruit (nothing else, no fat is allowed)
-lunch only cooked or raw vegetables (no oil, or anything else- cook only with water)
-anytime- water, as desired
-6:00pm 1Tablespoon Epsom salts in 3/4c water
-8:00pm 1Tablespoon Epsom salts in 3/4c water
-bedtime (10:00pm or sooner)
1/2c virgin olive oil + 1/2-3/4c grapefruit juice (fresh squeezed)
-shake well, drink*, and go straight to bed- lie on your right side, or your back
* Note: do everything you need to do before you drink your juice-oil drink- brush your teeth, make your bed, put on your PJ’s, and anything else you do before bed, because as soon as you drink the mix, you lie down to bed on your right side or your back; right away. This is very important
Note #2: you may do day 1 for a few days if you feel you have excessively large stones, since day 1's effects are softening and breaking up gall and liver stones.
Day 2
am, as soon as you wake up; 1Tablespoon Epsom salts in 3/4c water
2 hours later 1Tablespoon Epsom salts in 3/4c water
1 hour later eat only some fruit
1 hour later eat as desired, with small portions
NB As long as it is USP grade, and non scented, epsom salts are fine to consume on the flush. Magnesium sulfate is what epsom salt is, and it is non toxic, so I never understood why the "warning" on the label of USP epsom salt, against internal use.
source; Hulda Clark, ND, “Cure for all Diseases”, © 1995
takes 2 days - effects - improved energy, digestion, cholesterol levels, and a sweeter disposition! If you want to prolong step one, which softens and breaks up stones, you may follow the "Day 1' protocol for 2 or even 3 days without the bedtime olive oil drink, hitting the olive oil drink on the day when you actually want to flush.
Day 1
am fruit, and toast and jam, or just fruit (nothing else, no fat is allowed)
-lunch only cooked or raw vegetables (no oil, or anything else- cook only with water)
-anytime- water, as desired
-6:00pm 1Tablespoon Epsom salts in 3/4c water
-8:00pm 1Tablespoon Epsom salts in 3/4c water
-bedtime (10:00pm or sooner)
1/2c virgin olive oil + 1/2-3/4c grapefruit juice (fresh squeezed)
-shake well, drink*, and go straight to bed- lie on your right side, or your back
* Note: do everything you need to do before you drink your juice-oil drink- brush your teeth, make your bed, put on your PJ’s, and anything else you do before bed, because as soon as you drink the mix, you lie down to bed on your right side or your back; right away. This is very important
Note #2: you may do day 1 for a few days if you feel you have excessively large stones, since day 1's effects are softening and breaking up gall and liver stones.
Day 2
am, as soon as you wake up; 1Tablespoon Epsom salts in 3/4c water
2 hours later 1Tablespoon Epsom salts in 3/4c water
1 hour later eat only some fruit
1 hour later eat as desired, with small portions
NB As long as it is USP grade, and non scented, epsom salts are fine to consume on the flush. Magnesium sulfate is what epsom salt is, and it is non toxic, so I never understood why the "warning" on the label of USP epsom salt, against internal use.
source; Hulda Clark, ND, “Cure for all Diseases”, © 1995
Fasting is a research proven way to help rid the body of tenacious, dangerous toxins like PCB’s and DDT metabolites. See detox research- attached to this page.
Fasting is one of the strongest tools we have for detoxification from all internal and external toxins, greatly aiding our health, and helping to overcome ANY health problem.
1) For anywhere from 1 to 12 days or more, consume only raw fruits and vegetables. Alternately, (and preferably) you may consume only fresh raw juices. Fresh and raw meaning nothing from a bottle- either you make the juice, or have it made for you, on the spot.
2) Take pancreatin, at least 10/day, to help loosen deposits in the colon, and to help dissolve cysts and tumours. Pancreatin also strengthens immune cells, helping eliminate parasites, bacteria, and viruses. Any dose of pancreatin is safe, provided no duodenal ulcers are present.
3) Take any good herbal fibre, as much as you can handle, 1-3 times per day, to pull out intestinal deposits. The more fibre you take, and the more often, the better. DO NOT use metamucil; it's got sugar and or toxic sweeteners, depending on the version you buy. Get your fibre from a reputable health store, like GoodnessMe, the Big Carrot, Lenny's Whole Foods (not affiliated with the Amazon owned monolith we all know). Also good are Second Nature, PeachTree (both on Bloor west).
Important; if fasting 3 days or more, start eating SLOWLY; SMALL amounts of beans or nuts, with cooked veggies, and work your way up to normal eating over the course of a few days. This avoids ‘refeeding’ risks.
adapted from; Bernard Jensen, “Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management”, © 1981
Fasting is a research proven way to help rid the body of tenacious, dangerous toxins like PCB’s and DDT metabolites. See detox research- attached to this page.
Fasting is one of the strongest tools we have for detoxification from all internal and external toxins, greatly aiding our health, and helping to overcome ANY health problem.
1) For anywhere from 1 to 12 days or more, consume only raw fruits and vegetables. Alternately, (and preferably) you may consume only fresh raw juices. Fresh and raw meaning nothing from a bottle- either you make the juice, or have it made for you, on the spot.
2) Take pancreatin, at least 10/day, to help loosen deposits in the colon, and to help dissolve cysts and tumours. Pancreatin also strengthens immune cells, helping eliminate parasites, bacteria, and viruses. Any dose of pancreatin is safe, provided no duodenal ulcers are present.
3) Take any good herbal fibre, as much as you can handle, 1-3 times per day, to pull out intestinal deposits. The more fibre you take, and the more often, the better. DO NOT use metamucil; it's got sugar and or toxic sweeteners, depending on the version you buy. Get your fibre from a reputable health store, like GoodnessMe, the Big Carrot, Lenny's Whole Foods (not affiliated with the Amazon owned monolith we all know). Also good are Second Nature, PeachTree (both on Bloor west).
Important; if fasting 3 days or more, start eating SLOWLY; SMALL amounts of beans or nuts, with cooked veggies, and work your way up to normal eating over the course of a few days. This avoids ‘refeeding’ risks.
adapted from; Bernard Jensen, “Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management”, © 1981
Daily Liver Cleanse
may be done once only, or for several days in a row
Directions; Blend 1 entire organic lemon (with peel), cut up, with 1T virgin olive oil, with some water.
Drink it all before breakfast, or drink 1/2 before breakfast, and the rest before lunch.
source; Mark Konlee, “How to Reverse Immune Dysfunction”, © Biocosmic Books
may be done once only, or for several days in a row
Directions; Blend 1 entire organic lemon (with peel), cut up, with 1T virgin olive oil, with some water.
Drink it all before breakfast, or drink 1/2 before breakfast, and the rest before lunch.
source; Mark Konlee, “How to Reverse Immune Dysfunction”, © Biocosmic Books
a word about Colonic Irrigation
At 22 years of age, I embarked on a full Bernard Jensen program of fasting + clay + fibre + colonics twice a day, for 8 days. Bernard Jensen recommended 7 days but I went an extra one, just because. It changed my life! I was leaner, healthier and free of migraines entirely, for the first time since the age of 5! So I became a believer of detoxing, to say the least. I had my own colonic board, also called a Colema © board. I went on to do colonics (flushing the colon with warm water) once a week for a year. I ended up living in other countries after a while and lost my colonic board and would get professional colonics perhaps once every few years, until recently, when my colleague and good friend John Hadzi reminded me how amazing for health colon cleansing is, when done the hydrotherapeutic way, aka colonic irrigation. I have since re-started my good habit of weekly or bi-weekly colonics and made my own colonic board. Colon cleansing is nothing new; Socrates strongly endorsed it. The Greeks, including Socrates got much of their medical and health training from the Egyptians. Papyri from ancient Egypt describe colonic irrigation to cleanse the colon, for health. The white medical establishment is more comfortable with fairy-tale European roots rather than real African roots, so they promote the mythology of a Greek origin of many modern ideas and practices, which are in fact of African origin, by a long shot!
John forwarded me an incredibly insightful article on colonics done with coffee by an MD believe it or not, which you can view here. My only experience with coffee colonics is from recommending them to a young athlete who had to lose 5 pounds fast. He was 5 pounds over his goal weigh-in weight, for a karate competition which was in 2 days. i told him the healthiest and surest way to lose that kind of weight in such a short time was to buy a large coffee and bring it to a colonic irrigation clinic and receive a coffee colonic. He did, and lost 6 pounds in 45 minutes and said he felt fantastic!
At 22 years of age, I embarked on a full Bernard Jensen program of fasting + clay + fibre + colonics twice a day, for 8 days. Bernard Jensen recommended 7 days but I went an extra one, just because. It changed my life! I was leaner, healthier and free of migraines entirely, for the first time since the age of 5! So I became a believer of detoxing, to say the least. I had my own colonic board, also called a Colema © board. I went on to do colonics (flushing the colon with warm water) once a week for a year. I ended up living in other countries after a while and lost my colonic board and would get professional colonics perhaps once every few years, until recently, when my colleague and good friend John Hadzi reminded me how amazing for health colon cleansing is, when done the hydrotherapeutic way, aka colonic irrigation. I have since re-started my good habit of weekly or bi-weekly colonics and made my own colonic board. Colon cleansing is nothing new; Socrates strongly endorsed it. The Greeks, including Socrates got much of their medical and health training from the Egyptians. Papyri from ancient Egypt describe colonic irrigation to cleanse the colon, for health. The white medical establishment is more comfortable with fairy-tale European roots rather than real African roots, so they promote the mythology of a Greek origin of many modern ideas and practices, which are in fact of African origin, by a long shot!
John forwarded me an incredibly insightful article on colonics done with coffee by an MD believe it or not, which you can view here. My only experience with coffee colonics is from recommending them to a young athlete who had to lose 5 pounds fast. He was 5 pounds over his goal weigh-in weight, for a karate competition which was in 2 days. i told him the healthiest and surest way to lose that kind of weight in such a short time was to buy a large coffee and bring it to a colonic irrigation clinic and receive a coffee colonic. He did, and lost 6 pounds in 45 minutes and said he felt fantastic!