Heavy Metal Detox
Heavy metals are long known to be toxic; from the lunacy- like symptoms of mercury toxicity, to the slow lead poisoning suffered by the Romans, some of whom drank from ‘leadenware’, and most of whom consumed water from lead pipes. Heavy metals in humans slow mental development (1, 2), hamper fertility (3) and sexual development, and contribute to immune dysfunction, and nutrient deficiencies.
They are also positively associated with neurological symptoms, like ADD, learning disorders, delayed development and lower IQ’s, depression, anxiety, dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and systemic symptoms, like bone, kidney, and liver, and heart disease. They tend to be tenacious; they stick around in the body, and tend to leave very, very slowly (if at all).
heavy metals that are present in too-high quantities in many modern humans include but are not limited to;
hexavalent chromium
radioactive isotopes of iodine, calcium, potassium
Fortunately, you can eliminate them fairly quickly, with the right specific detox methods.
Many minerals which are not technically heavy metals are toxic when concentrations are elevated in our bodies, like aluminum, inorganic chromium, and radioactive isotopes of iodine, strontium, and others. Metals which are essential nutrients are toxic in excess quantities, like copper and iron. To help our body eliminate heavy metals, toxic metals, and minerals/ metals in higher than healthy levels, substitution with essential minerals helps, as does supplementing key antioxidants. There are also very effective ‘superfoods’, which are remarkably effective, as well, and some well proven targeted supplements that I often recommend.
How can you tell?
Hair mineral analysis is one good, but not fool-proof method. Blood testing may catch some heavy metal toxicity, but is not very sensitive, and quite limited; most toxic minerals just are not tested for. Anyone with metal in their mouth can assume they have excess mercury and other metals to get rid of (getting rid of the fillings by a toxicity-aware dentist is a great idea). Smoking cigarettes (and second hand smoke) provides a rich source of metals like radioactive cesium- just ask an experienced hair mineral tester.
The detoxification methods mentioned here are all healthy and safe, so may be followed by anyone who even suspects excess toxic metals, with no harm. Our environment, unfortunately, has much higher levels of almost all conceivable toxic metals, due to our world- wide careless industrial activities. Manufacturing, power generation, waste disposal, the battery industry, medical industry, and electronic industry, burning contaminated coal and other fossil fuels, and garbage dumping and incineration are just a few of our heavy metal-dirty activities.
Heavy metals are in our air, water, and soil, as well as our food. Some are purposely added to our water! So I'd say go right ahead and do some heavy metal detox, with or without testing!
Heavy metals are long known to be toxic; from the lunacy- like symptoms of mercury toxicity, to the slow lead poisoning suffered by the Romans, some of whom drank from ‘leadenware’, and most of whom consumed water from lead pipes. Heavy metals in humans slow mental development (1, 2), hamper fertility (3) and sexual development, and contribute to immune dysfunction, and nutrient deficiencies.
They are also positively associated with neurological symptoms, like ADD, learning disorders, delayed development and lower IQ’s, depression, anxiety, dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and systemic symptoms, like bone, kidney, and liver, and heart disease. They tend to be tenacious; they stick around in the body, and tend to leave very, very slowly (if at all).
heavy metals that are present in too-high quantities in many modern humans include but are not limited to;
hexavalent chromium
radioactive isotopes of iodine, calcium, potassium
Fortunately, you can eliminate them fairly quickly, with the right specific detox methods.
Many minerals which are not technically heavy metals are toxic when concentrations are elevated in our bodies, like aluminum, inorganic chromium, and radioactive isotopes of iodine, strontium, and others. Metals which are essential nutrients are toxic in excess quantities, like copper and iron. To help our body eliminate heavy metals, toxic metals, and minerals/ metals in higher than healthy levels, substitution with essential minerals helps, as does supplementing key antioxidants. There are also very effective ‘superfoods’, which are remarkably effective, as well, and some well proven targeted supplements that I often recommend.
How can you tell?
Hair mineral analysis is one good, but not fool-proof method. Blood testing may catch some heavy metal toxicity, but is not very sensitive, and quite limited; most toxic minerals just are not tested for. Anyone with metal in their mouth can assume they have excess mercury and other metals to get rid of (getting rid of the fillings by a toxicity-aware dentist is a great idea). Smoking cigarettes (and second hand smoke) provides a rich source of metals like radioactive cesium- just ask an experienced hair mineral tester.
The detoxification methods mentioned here are all healthy and safe, so may be followed by anyone who even suspects excess toxic metals, with no harm. Our environment, unfortunately, has much higher levels of almost all conceivable toxic metals, due to our world- wide careless industrial activities. Manufacturing, power generation, waste disposal, the battery industry, medical industry, and electronic industry, burning contaminated coal and other fossil fuels, and garbage dumping and incineration are just a few of our heavy metal-dirty activities.
Heavy metals are in our air, water, and soil, as well as our food. Some are purposely added to our water! So I'd say go right ahead and do some heavy metal detox, with or without testing!

Take flouride, which is "more toxic than lead, and only marginally less toxic than arsenic", according to the textbook; Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products, ISBN: 978-0683036329. Publisher; Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 5th edition, 1984. Actually, don't take flouride- brush your teeth with baking soda, or hydrogen peroxide from the drug store. If you swallow a bit of either hydrogen peroxide or baking soda, no harm is done! Use spring water from refillable, containers. I get mine in glass jugs, from Cedar Springs. Do not let your Dentist flouride-treat you, your children, or anyone else! Kindly and carefully ask your dental professional to watch the following clip, from a very experienced and well read Dentist -watch-
More accurately, most flouridation is done with fluosilicic acid which is a flouride complex sourced from industry (fertilizer and aluminum manufacturers). This stuff is even worse than flouride, due to contaminants like lead and aluminum!
think of flouride as a "gateway drug" as well - not only is it highyl toxic, but it actually increases absorption of lead and aluminum into the brain! Yikes!
You want to see what a practicing Dentist has to say about flouride? If you are unsure, this will illuminate you, I promise; >Watch!
If you want more truth on Flouride, check out any of the good video segments on youtube by Alex Jones- do a search- you will easily find them.
More accurately, most flouridation is done with fluosilicic acid which is a flouride complex sourced from industry (fertilizer and aluminum manufacturers). This stuff is even worse than flouride, due to contaminants like lead and aluminum!
think of flouride as a "gateway drug" as well - not only is it highyl toxic, but it actually increases absorption of lead and aluminum into the brain! Yikes!
You want to see what a practicing Dentist has to say about flouride? If you are unsure, this will illuminate you, I promise; >Watch!
If you want more truth on Flouride, check out any of the good video segments on youtube by Alex Jones- do a search- you will easily find them.

Substitution is a powerful, excellent heavy metal detox method. Heavy metals poison us partly because they substitute for essential metals (or minerals, as they’re more often called). Toxic levels of lead displace calcium from the nervous system, and zinc, from the kidneys, liver, and brain. The enzymes that require zinc stop working because the ‘leaded’ versions do not work.
The good news is that the reverse also holds true. Taking lots of essential, healthy minerals helps displace or eliminate the bad ones!
Minerals for blocking Metals
Taking generous quantities of zinc and calcium helps to displace lead out of the body.
Radioactive iodine is all too plentiful in our atmosphere, as a result of nuclear testing, and nuclear power production. It accumulates in the thyroid gland, compromising and poisoning it. It is displaced by a generous intake of healthy iodine, from clean seaweed, such as Canadian seaweed (check your grocery or health store). I recommend avoiding asian seaweeds, or at least minimising your intake of them.
Dr Steven Schecter, in his brilliant work, 'Fighting Radiation and Chemical Pollutants with Foods, Herbs, and Vitamins' published in 1991, gives excellent research to back up what many health practitioners are saying; seaweed is mega-cleansing, especially for heavy and radioactive metals. Seaweed is a heavy hitter, helping eliminate radioactive strontium, in one Russian study, and a rich source of Iodine, which helps get rid of toxic flourine, and even radioactive Iodine- also known form Russian research. Seaweed is very high in alginic acid which also helps pull heavy metals and radiation out of your body. I eat all kinds; dulse, sea lettuce, sea asparagus, kelp, nori, wakame and more.
more Mineral action
Zinc is possibly the most useful mineral to supplement for heavy metal detox. It helps displace cesium, lead, mercury, and excess copper. Copper, in small quantities is essential, so do not overdo Zinc supplements or copper deficiency may result. With high dosages, one could periodically supplement with small amounts of copper, to be safe. See the suggested mineral supplement dosages, listed later.
Magnesium and calcium are also very useful against many harmful metals; see dosage list. Iron is surprisingly important. A lady I knew of got treated for mercury toxicity, as measured in hair analysis, and by her symptoms, and nothing seemed to be working. Until she took a good iron supplement. Like many young women, she was fairly iron deficient, causing her body to attract both iron, and mercury. Becoming replete with iron allowed the other treatments to work, and finally clear her of her high mercury levels, and toxicity symptoms.
Useful dosages of all minerals depends on a person’s, sex, age, bodyweight, diet, activity levels, symptoms, and medical/ health history, as well as possibly their occupation, and habits. Using the services of a good nutritionist or naturopath is the best choice in assessing the best amounts to start with. Here, I will give what I think are generally applicable amounts, for one to start to get a sense of useful dosages that do not take individual variables into account. Due to the wide variability in one’s needs, the variation in some mineral intakes is great
Calcium 500- 1000mg
Magnesium 500- 800mg
Iron 0- 50mg
Manganese 5-50mg
Zinc 15-100mg
Copper 0-3mg
Sulfur 1-10 grams (as MSM)
Silica 5-30mg
Chromium 300-500mcg
Selenium 200mcg
Super supplements
Sufur is an essential mineral, which is a major player in liver and body detoxification of many substances, including heavy metals. We get sulfur from our diet from (mono) cystein, (di) cysteine, and methionine, as well as MSM. In supplement form, taking extra, in the form of MSM, methionine and cysteine (like N- acetyl cysteine, or NAC), speeds up the conjugation and excretion of heavy metals and other toxins. The best MSM I am aware of is Opti MSM, available from different labels. Alpha-lipoic acid, according to Hulda Clark, ND 'Cure for all Diseases', 1995, is an excellent aid in ridding the body of heavy metals, proven many times over in her successful practice.
Vitamin C in high doses (begin at 2000mg, and feel free to try more), is particularly useful in lowering lead levels, and is synergistic with NAC, mentioned above. I recommend any brand of powder, for economy and ease of use.
All blue green algaes are beneficial to health, and supportive to our detoxification. Chlorella is the most effective at speeding our elimination of heavy metals, due to the specific and unique properties of the cell wall of that species. Chlorella is perfectly safe, and may be taken at dosages ranging from 1- 15 grams per day comfortably. It is expensive, but is truly a superfood, owing to it’s effects on blood building, detox, immune function, and general health. I prefer the Sequel brand, quality- wise. For my minerals, I mostly recommend Trophic, Natural Factors, and NuLife brands.
Super Foods
The earth’s waters are the sources of two of our best detoxifiers; blue green algae, and seaweeds. As mentioned above, use cleanly produced products, such as Canadian seaweeds, and blue-green algaes from brands like Sequel, Pure Planet, and Earth Rise.
Fibre in the diet is a definite detox aid; for heavy metals, and almost all other toxins. Consume it generously, especially from beans, lentils, fruits, and raw and cooked vegetables.
Garlic and onions are helpful in ridding lead, mercury, and the like from the body. A wholistic dentist spoke of the success he had in his practice of ridding his patients of their body mercury loads, with a prescription for food and supplement garlic.
Brassica family vegetables are particularly helpful; broccoli, kale, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts.
Not Super Foods :(
Big fish are a bad idea; especially large predators like shark, swordfish, and some tuna. Stick to sardines, herring, anchovies, and smaller mackerel. Avoiding filter feeders is also a good idea. See David Suzuki's top 10 fish choices here; good fish for you and planet
1. Grant, E. C. G. Howard, J. M. Davies, S. Chasty, H. Hornsby, B. Galbraith, J Zinc deficiency in children with dyslexia: concentrations of zinc and other minerals in sweat and hair. British Medical Journal, 1988; (296)pp. 607.
2. National Research Council/National Academy of Sciences NRC. Toxicological Effects of Methylmercury. Committee on the Toxicological Effects of Methylmercury; Life Sciences, 2000, National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
3. Cunningham M. Chronic occupational lead exposure: the potential effect on sexual function and reproductive ability in male workers. AAOHN Journal. 1986 Jun; 34(6): 277
4. Dr Schecter, Steven. 'Fighting Radiation and Chemical Pollutants with Foods, Herbs, and Vitamins' 1991
Substitution is a powerful, excellent heavy metal detox method. Heavy metals poison us partly because they substitute for essential metals (or minerals, as they’re more often called). Toxic levels of lead displace calcium from the nervous system, and zinc, from the kidneys, liver, and brain. The enzymes that require zinc stop working because the ‘leaded’ versions do not work.
The good news is that the reverse also holds true. Taking lots of essential, healthy minerals helps displace or eliminate the bad ones!
Minerals for blocking Metals
Taking generous quantities of zinc and calcium helps to displace lead out of the body.
Radioactive iodine is all too plentiful in our atmosphere, as a result of nuclear testing, and nuclear power production. It accumulates in the thyroid gland, compromising and poisoning it. It is displaced by a generous intake of healthy iodine, from clean seaweed, such as Canadian seaweed (check your grocery or health store). I recommend avoiding asian seaweeds, or at least minimising your intake of them.
Dr Steven Schecter, in his brilliant work, 'Fighting Radiation and Chemical Pollutants with Foods, Herbs, and Vitamins' published in 1991, gives excellent research to back up what many health practitioners are saying; seaweed is mega-cleansing, especially for heavy and radioactive metals. Seaweed is a heavy hitter, helping eliminate radioactive strontium, in one Russian study, and a rich source of Iodine, which helps get rid of toxic flourine, and even radioactive Iodine- also known form Russian research. Seaweed is very high in alginic acid which also helps pull heavy metals and radiation out of your body. I eat all kinds; dulse, sea lettuce, sea asparagus, kelp, nori, wakame and more.
more Mineral action
Zinc is possibly the most useful mineral to supplement for heavy metal detox. It helps displace cesium, lead, mercury, and excess copper. Copper, in small quantities is essential, so do not overdo Zinc supplements or copper deficiency may result. With high dosages, one could periodically supplement with small amounts of copper, to be safe. See the suggested mineral supplement dosages, listed later.
Magnesium and calcium are also very useful against many harmful metals; see dosage list. Iron is surprisingly important. A lady I knew of got treated for mercury toxicity, as measured in hair analysis, and by her symptoms, and nothing seemed to be working. Until she took a good iron supplement. Like many young women, she was fairly iron deficient, causing her body to attract both iron, and mercury. Becoming replete with iron allowed the other treatments to work, and finally clear her of her high mercury levels, and toxicity symptoms.
Useful dosages of all minerals depends on a person’s, sex, age, bodyweight, diet, activity levels, symptoms, and medical/ health history, as well as possibly their occupation, and habits. Using the services of a good nutritionist or naturopath is the best choice in assessing the best amounts to start with. Here, I will give what I think are generally applicable amounts, for one to start to get a sense of useful dosages that do not take individual variables into account. Due to the wide variability in one’s needs, the variation in some mineral intakes is great
Calcium 500- 1000mg
Magnesium 500- 800mg
Iron 0- 50mg
Manganese 5-50mg
Zinc 15-100mg
Copper 0-3mg
Sulfur 1-10 grams (as MSM)
Silica 5-30mg
Chromium 300-500mcg
Selenium 200mcg
Super supplements
Sufur is an essential mineral, which is a major player in liver and body detoxification of many substances, including heavy metals. We get sulfur from our diet from (mono) cystein, (di) cysteine, and methionine, as well as MSM. In supplement form, taking extra, in the form of MSM, methionine and cysteine (like N- acetyl cysteine, or NAC), speeds up the conjugation and excretion of heavy metals and other toxins. The best MSM I am aware of is Opti MSM, available from different labels. Alpha-lipoic acid, according to Hulda Clark, ND 'Cure for all Diseases', 1995, is an excellent aid in ridding the body of heavy metals, proven many times over in her successful practice.
Vitamin C in high doses (begin at 2000mg, and feel free to try more), is particularly useful in lowering lead levels, and is synergistic with NAC, mentioned above. I recommend any brand of powder, for economy and ease of use.
All blue green algaes are beneficial to health, and supportive to our detoxification. Chlorella is the most effective at speeding our elimination of heavy metals, due to the specific and unique properties of the cell wall of that species. Chlorella is perfectly safe, and may be taken at dosages ranging from 1- 15 grams per day comfortably. It is expensive, but is truly a superfood, owing to it’s effects on blood building, detox, immune function, and general health. I prefer the Sequel brand, quality- wise. For my minerals, I mostly recommend Trophic, Natural Factors, and NuLife brands.
Super Foods
The earth’s waters are the sources of two of our best detoxifiers; blue green algae, and seaweeds. As mentioned above, use cleanly produced products, such as Canadian seaweeds, and blue-green algaes from brands like Sequel, Pure Planet, and Earth Rise.
Fibre in the diet is a definite detox aid; for heavy metals, and almost all other toxins. Consume it generously, especially from beans, lentils, fruits, and raw and cooked vegetables.
Garlic and onions are helpful in ridding lead, mercury, and the like from the body. A wholistic dentist spoke of the success he had in his practice of ridding his patients of their body mercury loads, with a prescription for food and supplement garlic.
Brassica family vegetables are particularly helpful; broccoli, kale, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts.
Not Super Foods :(
Big fish are a bad idea; especially large predators like shark, swordfish, and some tuna. Stick to sardines, herring, anchovies, and smaller mackerel. Avoiding filter feeders is also a good idea. See David Suzuki's top 10 fish choices here; good fish for you and planet
1. Grant, E. C. G. Howard, J. M. Davies, S. Chasty, H. Hornsby, B. Galbraith, J Zinc deficiency in children with dyslexia: concentrations of zinc and other minerals in sweat and hair. British Medical Journal, 1988; (296)pp. 607.
2. National Research Council/National Academy of Sciences NRC. Toxicological Effects of Methylmercury. Committee on the Toxicological Effects of Methylmercury; Life Sciences, 2000, National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
3. Cunningham M. Chronic occupational lead exposure: the potential effect on sexual function and reproductive ability in male workers. AAOHN Journal. 1986 Jun; 34(6): 277
4. Dr Schecter, Steven. 'Fighting Radiation and Chemical Pollutants with Foods, Herbs, and Vitamins' 1991