Eat Right For Dummies
Diet, Eating Habits or Menu Plan;Whatever you want to call how you eat, it is vitally important for health that most of the time, we are eating right, or well.
But what does that mean? What is the best way to eat, really, for health?
First, I would refer you to the fat loss page, or the mass page, depending on if you'd like to lose or gain weight. If your bodyweight is good where it is, great! Go on to read the fat; the truth page on this site, for a good start. Fats are immensely important to good health. Be smart about the fats you eat- your body will thank you!
In terms of general (for everyone) guidelines, there are a few good ones;
1. Eat your greens
Consume lots of vegetables and fruits, either raw, or lightly cooked. Conserve cooking water; drink it up as a soup- keep all the nutrients. Aim for a fruit + water before every meal if you're trying to lose weight.
Diet, Eating Habits or Menu Plan;Whatever you want to call how you eat, it is vitally important for health that most of the time, we are eating right, or well.
But what does that mean? What is the best way to eat, really, for health?
First, I would refer you to the fat loss page, or the mass page, depending on if you'd like to lose or gain weight. If your bodyweight is good where it is, great! Go on to read the fat; the truth page on this site, for a good start. Fats are immensely important to good health. Be smart about the fats you eat- your body will thank you!
In terms of general (for everyone) guidelines, there are a few good ones;
1. Eat your greens
Consume lots of vegetables and fruits, either raw, or lightly cooked. Conserve cooking water; drink it up as a soup- keep all the nutrients. Aim for a fruit + water before every meal if you're trying to lose weight.
2. Protein power. Every meal
Be sure to get a good protein, every meal, and most snacks. Breakfast being the most important protein. See veg recipes and nuts and seeds page links for lots of tasty, healthy protein sources. If you eat dead animals (as I do), do be sure they are organically raised! (see organic page)
What is protein? Protein is essential for health, energy, and recovery.
Get protein from whole eggs, cheese, beans, lentils, chick peas, peas, nuts and seeds, cheese, all meats, poultry, and all seafood. No cook options; nuts, seeds, hummous, canned sardines or mackerel or salmon (tuna has too many heavy metals). Protein helps keep you satisfied, more than carbs or fats, though you will want to have carbs and fats, too. Protein is what your muscles, skin, and organs are mostly made of, after water. The Paleo people are right about protein, we thrive on it. We also benefit from periodic pauses (fasting), to rest our bodies, cleanse and re-set our gut, and raise our healthy hormones (like hGH) and lower unhealthy hormones (like insulin). Vegans and vegetarians have less options than their omnivorous friends, but a healthy diet can certainly be vegan or vegetarian, if well planned.
By the way if I see one more misguided recipe with egg whites I am gonna scream!! Eat the yolk. Go ahead. It is the healthiest most nourishing part of the egg! Egg yolks, in any quantity are fine, they will not raise your cholesterol or harm your heart health! Go ahead. If you are concerned about heart health, avoid canola oils and don't even think about eating margarine. Listen; eating egg whites and throwing away the yolk is like peeling a banana, and eating the peel while you throw out the banana! Organic eggs, btw taste way better.
Be sure to get a good protein, every meal, and most snacks. Breakfast being the most important protein. See veg recipes and nuts and seeds page links for lots of tasty, healthy protein sources. If you eat dead animals (as I do), do be sure they are organically raised! (see organic page)
What is protein? Protein is essential for health, energy, and recovery.
Get protein from whole eggs, cheese, beans, lentils, chick peas, peas, nuts and seeds, cheese, all meats, poultry, and all seafood. No cook options; nuts, seeds, hummous, canned sardines or mackerel or salmon (tuna has too many heavy metals). Protein helps keep you satisfied, more than carbs or fats, though you will want to have carbs and fats, too. Protein is what your muscles, skin, and organs are mostly made of, after water. The Paleo people are right about protein, we thrive on it. We also benefit from periodic pauses (fasting), to rest our bodies, cleanse and re-set our gut, and raise our healthy hormones (like hGH) and lower unhealthy hormones (like insulin). Vegans and vegetarians have less options than their omnivorous friends, but a healthy diet can certainly be vegan or vegetarian, if well planned.
By the way if I see one more misguided recipe with egg whites I am gonna scream!! Eat the yolk. Go ahead. It is the healthiest most nourishing part of the egg! Egg yolks, in any quantity are fine, they will not raise your cholesterol or harm your heart health! Go ahead. If you are concerned about heart health, avoid canola oils and don't even think about eating margarine. Listen; eating egg whites and throwing away the yolk is like peeling a banana, and eating the peel while you throw out the banana! Organic eggs, btw taste way better.
3. Drink water
Enough water boosts fat burning (fat loss page), and circulation, as well as digestion and heart health. So drink up! 2 -4 litres per day.
Do drink enough, avoid suffering the consequences of chronic low-grade dehydration;
fatigue, low energy
slow digestion, constipation
kidney stones
gall stones
increased appetite, weight gain
Enough water boosts fat burning (fat loss page), and circulation, as well as digestion and heart health. So drink up! 2 -4 litres per day.
Do drink enough, avoid suffering the consequences of chronic low-grade dehydration;
fatigue, low energy
slow digestion, constipation
kidney stones
gall stones
increased appetite, weight gain
4. Learn to Cook. Prepare your own foods, and/ or eat foods that are easy and healthy that you don't need to cook- eg.; Raw nuts or seeds, with fruit or dried fruit. Or yogourt (cow or soy), with raw hemp seeds thrown in.
Cooking will save you a lot of money and greatly improve your diet. Fry with coconut oil, it's the best nutritional choice for frying. Cook your veggies and drizzle some virgin olive oil on top after you plate them- voila- tasty and healthy side dish. Baking meats is so easy - throw in random veggies chopped, and some chunks of any carcass; beef, lamb, turkey, chicken and bake till it looks done, while you putter around the house. Prep time; a couple of minutes. And do NOT use microwaves! They suck for health. See my recipes page for meats and also beans and grains. Dried beans and grains are cheap and healthy (if you are not of type O blood). If you like microwaves sorry, but they are toxic in many ways. I literally would not even drink water that's been microwave heated. See the heart health page near the bottom for more nuke info.
Two people I know that can teach you how to cook (of course there's also continuing learning classes all over Toronto I'm sure); Tony Vassallo, a colleague who has a lot of "street cred" since he really was formerly fat. He teaches how to shop, cook, plan and eat - a true all-around coach. His site is "", email is [email protected] and phone is 905.616.0484. Another one is Jordan Swartz, a nutritionist and cooking specialist, who gives solo and group cooking classes. His website is Jordan, number is 416.413.7799. Jordan focuses on vegan cooking, which isn't really my thing at all, but of course vegetarian foods are an important part of my diet.
Cooking will save you a lot of money and greatly improve your diet. Fry with coconut oil, it's the best nutritional choice for frying. Cook your veggies and drizzle some virgin olive oil on top after you plate them- voila- tasty and healthy side dish. Baking meats is so easy - throw in random veggies chopped, and some chunks of any carcass; beef, lamb, turkey, chicken and bake till it looks done, while you putter around the house. Prep time; a couple of minutes. And do NOT use microwaves! They suck for health. See my recipes page for meats and also beans and grains. Dried beans and grains are cheap and healthy (if you are not of type O blood). If you like microwaves sorry, but they are toxic in many ways. I literally would not even drink water that's been microwave heated. See the heart health page near the bottom for more nuke info.
Two people I know that can teach you how to cook (of course there's also continuing learning classes all over Toronto I'm sure); Tony Vassallo, a colleague who has a lot of "street cred" since he really was formerly fat. He teaches how to shop, cook, plan and eat - a true all-around coach. His site is "", email is [email protected] and phone is 905.616.0484. Another one is Jordan Swartz, a nutritionist and cooking specialist, who gives solo and group cooking classes. His website is Jordan, number is 416.413.7799. Jordan focuses on vegan cooking, which isn't really my thing at all, but of course vegetarian foods are an important part of my diet.
Avoid packaged foods. (which is really part of #4.)
Really. Packaged foods are killing us (to put it harshly), or are not very good (to put it mildly). Processing and packaging a food really degrades the quality of it, in numerous ways. Even if the label looks good. It is beyond dead, devitalised, and contaminated. Keep it to a minimum, as far as you can. This point is immensely important, and applies to fast food and packaged/ pre-prepared food. You would realise it fully if you saw the evidence! The film "Supersize Me" is only a start! A good start, but just a start, nonetheless.
Really. Packaged foods are killing us (to put it harshly), or are not very good (to put it mildly). Processing and packaging a food really degrades the quality of it, in numerous ways. Even if the label looks good. It is beyond dead, devitalised, and contaminated. Keep it to a minimum, as far as you can. This point is immensely important, and applies to fast food and packaged/ pre-prepared food. You would realise it fully if you saw the evidence! The film "Supersize Me" is only a start! A good start, but just a start, nonetheless.
Do NOT eat these "foods"
All of the cold cereals, because of how they are processed are TOXIC. This is "underground" information, sadly, because of the size and money behind the cereal industry. This kind of information is available from me - just email me and i will gladly send you my info, free! The excellent website where you will find two of the very best Dietitians ever born gives the low-down on evil foods that we are told are healthy, like vegetable oil, canola oil, breakfast cereal and more! See my videos (the 2nd and 3rd vids on the page) on how to have a healthy breakfast and why we need to avoid ALL cold cereals! Also toxic due to the same poisonous processing are rice cakes. I repeat; CEREAL SUCKS and also RICE CAKES SUCK! Email me for more published evidence. And watch my breakfast video to learn how to make a variety of truly healthy breakfasts. You are way better off drinking water and skipping breakfast entirely rather than poison yourself first thing in the morning (or anytime, for that matter). Don't chew toxic gum. Artificial sweeteners are mega toxic!! They kill brain cells, and friendly germs in the gut casusing digestive problems and mess up immune function, causing auto-immunity and infammation. As much as I hate sugar and corn syrup, they are way better than chemical sweeteners! Even gum that has sugar also adds in chemical sweeteners to give longer sweetness. Just say no. Healthy gum is available in health stores or just chew on a cinnamon stick! Anything but toxic gum! |
The detoxification page is a wonderful step to take- be one of the 2% of the population (I hope I am wrong, and it is higher than that), that reaps the mega-benefits of cleansing, and familiarise your self with the most powerful tool for health; cleansing! I know it's not really part of how to eat basics, but I find the one or two days a week of modified fasting I do gives me a break from shopping and prepping my meals and snacks, as well as giving me mega-benefits! It can be as easy as eating apples and celery all day and nothing else. A 24 hr break from shovelling food down; a 24 hr break for your organs. See the detox page on my site, clicking here; detox for you
LAST but NOT LEAST; See a Nutritionist (ME!) Get optimum individualised advice, so you can get an individualised, complete plan.
The detoxification page is a wonderful step to take- be one of the 2% of the population (I hope I am wrong, and it is higher than that), that reaps the mega-benefits of cleansing, and familiarise your self with the most powerful tool for health; cleansing! I know it's not really part of how to eat basics, but I find the one or two days a week of modified fasting I do gives me a break from shopping and prepping my meals and snacks, as well as giving me mega-benefits! It can be as easy as eating apples and celery all day and nothing else. A 24 hr break from shovelling food down; a 24 hr break for your organs. See the detox page on my site, clicking here; detox for you
LAST but NOT LEAST; See a Nutritionist (ME!) Get optimum individualised advice, so you can get an individualised, complete plan.
A word about Canada's Food Guide, found at
which is available in many languages, including Farsi, pictured here.
It does have many good points and a few large errors that can cost you your health and any chance of being lean and strong!!
Good points; huge emphasis on vegetables and fruit, healthy grain options, lots of choice and variety within the food groups.
Bad points; an overall fat phobia, yet they promote the WORST fats you could possibly eat (well, maybe drinking 10W- 30 might be a bit worse, lol). Margarine and Canola oil! These are terrible fats, which I avoid at all costs. It makes sense that the CFG promotes these fats since they are very near and dear to the hearts of food corps. who make toxic cheap sh!t disguised as food. And they have deep pockets and ties with Health Canada, the Dietitians of Canada, and the Heart Association as well as the Diabetes Association and even the Cancer Associations on both sides of the border. Grain servings are high for anyone wanting to lose any fat.
So eat fat, generously. Just make sure it's healthy fat - and become an expert who is far above the so-called brainwashed experts our schools are churning out by the thousands. Read my FAT page. Do it, your waistline and your heart will thank you.
Good points in Canada's Food Guide
CFG recommends that you do eat breakfast; good idea for kids, and for people who want to lose weight. The guide recommends you eat alternatives to meat more often; excellent advice; meaning more beans, nuts and seeds and less meat.
The good also advises you to consume dark green and orange vegetables, great idea! It also puts vegetables and fruit in first place- notice the biggest part of the rainbow is green, representing vegetables and fruits.
The Guide is vegan friendly, with plenty of meat alternatives listed and dairy alternatives listed too. It also works for people who are avoiding wheat (an excellent idea!), listing rice, quinoa, barley and wild rice in the grains food group.
which is available in many languages, including Farsi, pictured here.
It does have many good points and a few large errors that can cost you your health and any chance of being lean and strong!!
Good points; huge emphasis on vegetables and fruit, healthy grain options, lots of choice and variety within the food groups.
Bad points; an overall fat phobia, yet they promote the WORST fats you could possibly eat (well, maybe drinking 10W- 30 might be a bit worse, lol). Margarine and Canola oil! These are terrible fats, which I avoid at all costs. It makes sense that the CFG promotes these fats since they are very near and dear to the hearts of food corps. who make toxic cheap sh!t disguised as food. And they have deep pockets and ties with Health Canada, the Dietitians of Canada, and the Heart Association as well as the Diabetes Association and even the Cancer Associations on both sides of the border. Grain servings are high for anyone wanting to lose any fat.
So eat fat, generously. Just make sure it's healthy fat - and become an expert who is far above the so-called brainwashed experts our schools are churning out by the thousands. Read my FAT page. Do it, your waistline and your heart will thank you.
Good points in Canada's Food Guide
CFG recommends that you do eat breakfast; good idea for kids, and for people who want to lose weight. The guide recommends you eat alternatives to meat more often; excellent advice; meaning more beans, nuts and seeds and less meat.
The good also advises you to consume dark green and orange vegetables, great idea! It also puts vegetables and fruit in first place- notice the biggest part of the rainbow is green, representing vegetables and fruits.
The Guide is vegan friendly, with plenty of meat alternatives listed and dairy alternatives listed too. It also works for people who are avoiding wheat (an excellent idea!), listing rice, quinoa, barley and wild rice in the grains food group.