Life can be hard. It's often a bitch. Why we are here some know a bit better than others, but essentially, life is a difficult maze and none of us has a very good map. Everywhere I look, I see goodness and I see sh!t that just isn't cool. As Gloria Steinem said, "the Truth shall set you free, but first it will piss you off". I'd rather be pissed than jaded, cynical, apathetic or cerebrally comatose. The funny thing is all the people who think they are too small to make a difference, united could accomplish anything! Do you want a better planet? Let's do it! Be it!
I tell my students often that "we are being lied to every day". Why? For many reasons, one is to have us support an unsupportable immoral system that poisons our planet and starves much of humanity on it for control, first of all, and profit, secondly. Abundance is natural. Scarcity is un-natural and actually engineered, or doctored if you will. Another reason we are being lied to is mind control. The only real control is mind control, and one key method for gaining control of someone's mind is to lie to them and have them believe it.
Our Collective Beliefs Shape Our Reality
It is done to us on a mass scale. So I am a truther. A Truther, with a capital "T" because the truth does set us free. Believing lies enslaves us. And they're there alright, in our history, in our economics, in our environmental understanding, in our social understanding, in our education, in our news and definitely all over our co-opted media. If we stop believing lies and believe truth, monumental change must happen, since our collective beliefs shape our world.
One may say "I am too busy to worry about another's plight". Fact is, we are all connected. As we all live our lives, we vote every day and every second. All actions matter. They all add up, and affect us and everyone else. Let us live consciously and make a difference, a positive difference. You vote with your dollars. You vote with your actions, words and even your thoughts. For example every time you buy something, you are supporting something. Every time you choose not to buy something or from someone, you are starving something. What we believe to be true, on a mass scale, manifests. Without exception. This may sound very trippy, but it is true that physical manifestation is the product of, the result of, and dependent on our collective consciousness. If we all, or enough of us realise that we're all in this together, and that we can believe prosperity, equality and peace into being, then we can. Believe it, be it, to achieve it.
"All Actions Matter All Beliefs Matter"
On a day-to-day scale, I choose to support business that is local, that is good for people and the planet. Do I manage to follow that choice with all of my purchases? Not always. But I do a lot of the time, actually most of the time, and I am happy about that.
A small but important example for us all; do you drink coffee? Eat chocolate? Is it fair trade? Find out. Because you are either supporting semi-slavery conditions, poverty, and unjust, unfair economics OR you support more equitable, more fair, more community-supportive economics. Either way, you get to have your coffee and or chocolate.
So many examples of shopping consciously; do you buy items that are made in Canada? We Canadians earn money here; it's fair and smart to spend it here to support our fellow workers. When I was buying work boots (I love boots) I went out of my way to buy Canadian made. Plus I bought them in a "ma and pa" store, in Kensington market. Did I pay twice as much as my "Wal-slavery" supporting peers? Nope. About the same. But I AM prepared to spend more because it's about considering the total costs and benefits, including to this country, and this economy, which supports me.
Getting back to chocolate and coffee - it's worth it to buy fair trade, for the sake of the often poor folk who produce those goods. fair trade is not perfect, but in my research, a solid start in the right direction of sustaining the producers that sustain us! Your $, your vote; support what is good, starve the rest. See for more fair trade uplifting and inspiring info as well as shopping tips. If I was going to buy coffee (which I don't btw) I'd get it from a "no name" ma and pa cafe. And I would be sure to get fair trade certified java.
You also vote with your head. Our thoughts and attitude measurably influence our life and the matrix of the world around us. Conceive, believe and achieve positive vibrations. Share your abundance with others- good vibes, smart shopping, see the good in people, forgive yourself and others, and have grace. It's the best way to receive grace.
What is grace? We all need it; grace, to me is unearned love, unearned positive regard, unearned help and support. Just because. It's generousity, it's goodness, spread outward. A self-sustaining person who doesn't need anyone is mythology. We all need other people. Feed your positivity in, just because.
We also need judgement, in order to decipher where to put our energies, because we are constantly voting, with our dollars, with our time, with our thoughts. We can vote consciously to support entities that do good. And starve those that do not.
I tell my students often that "we are being lied to every day". Why? For many reasons, one is to have us support an unsupportable immoral system that poisons our planet and starves much of humanity on it for control, first of all, and profit, secondly. Abundance is natural. Scarcity is un-natural and actually engineered, or doctored if you will. Another reason we are being lied to is mind control. The only real control is mind control, and one key method for gaining control of someone's mind is to lie to them and have them believe it.
Our Collective Beliefs Shape Our Reality
It is done to us on a mass scale. So I am a truther. A Truther, with a capital "T" because the truth does set us free. Believing lies enslaves us. And they're there alright, in our history, in our economics, in our environmental understanding, in our social understanding, in our education, in our news and definitely all over our co-opted media. If we stop believing lies and believe truth, monumental change must happen, since our collective beliefs shape our world.
One may say "I am too busy to worry about another's plight". Fact is, we are all connected. As we all live our lives, we vote every day and every second. All actions matter. They all add up, and affect us and everyone else. Let us live consciously and make a difference, a positive difference. You vote with your dollars. You vote with your actions, words and even your thoughts. For example every time you buy something, you are supporting something. Every time you choose not to buy something or from someone, you are starving something. What we believe to be true, on a mass scale, manifests. Without exception. This may sound very trippy, but it is true that physical manifestation is the product of, the result of, and dependent on our collective consciousness. If we all, or enough of us realise that we're all in this together, and that we can believe prosperity, equality and peace into being, then we can. Believe it, be it, to achieve it.
"All Actions Matter All Beliefs Matter"
On a day-to-day scale, I choose to support business that is local, that is good for people and the planet. Do I manage to follow that choice with all of my purchases? Not always. But I do a lot of the time, actually most of the time, and I am happy about that.
A small but important example for us all; do you drink coffee? Eat chocolate? Is it fair trade? Find out. Because you are either supporting semi-slavery conditions, poverty, and unjust, unfair economics OR you support more equitable, more fair, more community-supportive economics. Either way, you get to have your coffee and or chocolate.
So many examples of shopping consciously; do you buy items that are made in Canada? We Canadians earn money here; it's fair and smart to spend it here to support our fellow workers. When I was buying work boots (I love boots) I went out of my way to buy Canadian made. Plus I bought them in a "ma and pa" store, in Kensington market. Did I pay twice as much as my "Wal-slavery" supporting peers? Nope. About the same. But I AM prepared to spend more because it's about considering the total costs and benefits, including to this country, and this economy, which supports me.
Getting back to chocolate and coffee - it's worth it to buy fair trade, for the sake of the often poor folk who produce those goods. fair trade is not perfect, but in my research, a solid start in the right direction of sustaining the producers that sustain us! Your $, your vote; support what is good, starve the rest. See for more fair trade uplifting and inspiring info as well as shopping tips. If I was going to buy coffee (which I don't btw) I'd get it from a "no name" ma and pa cafe. And I would be sure to get fair trade certified java.
You also vote with your head. Our thoughts and attitude measurably influence our life and the matrix of the world around us. Conceive, believe and achieve positive vibrations. Share your abundance with others- good vibes, smart shopping, see the good in people, forgive yourself and others, and have grace. It's the best way to receive grace.
What is grace? We all need it; grace, to me is unearned love, unearned positive regard, unearned help and support. Just because. It's generousity, it's goodness, spread outward. A self-sustaining person who doesn't need anyone is mythology. We all need other people. Feed your positivity in, just because.
We also need judgement, in order to decipher where to put our energies, because we are constantly voting, with our dollars, with our time, with our thoughts. We can vote consciously to support entities that do good. And starve those that do not.
What do you buy?
Do you buy water? Do you buy snacks? Do you buy packaged food? An average Canuck is likely getting all three mostly from Nestle, directly or indirectly. Speaking of water, ask Nestle about Hillsburgh, a water plant that is sucking Hillsburgh dry, pumping 1.1 million litres of water a day from Hillsburgh, Ontario, despite legal and moral battles with the Council of Canadians and the Wellington Water Watchers. I buy my water in glass jugs, from Cedar Springs. I also think buying water in reusable plastic jugs is acceptable, environmentally. Nestle does also promote baby formula in developing countries with rampant water safety issues, which undermines the much safer practice of breastfeeding. This has been a Nestle problem for decades.
I might seem picky here, but I like to ask questions, and bring awareness to my actions, including my consumer actions. See for more info.
More on the eco-rape caused by our plastic bottled water habit on my environment page ..
Speaking of big companies and how they treat babies, Johnson & Johnson has been caught a few times, here and abroad, with selling carcinogen-contaminated baby shampoo. See for more info.
Bottom line? large companies are psychopathic by design (see the Corporation movie) and while there are some exceptions, the worthwhile companies are just that; an exception. Buy from local, small, more accountable business wherever possible; be conscious. It's better than being unconscious. Would you want to drive a car, asleep at the wheel?
Do you buy water? Do you buy snacks? Do you buy packaged food? An average Canuck is likely getting all three mostly from Nestle, directly or indirectly. Speaking of water, ask Nestle about Hillsburgh, a water plant that is sucking Hillsburgh dry, pumping 1.1 million litres of water a day from Hillsburgh, Ontario, despite legal and moral battles with the Council of Canadians and the Wellington Water Watchers. I buy my water in glass jugs, from Cedar Springs. I also think buying water in reusable plastic jugs is acceptable, environmentally. Nestle does also promote baby formula in developing countries with rampant water safety issues, which undermines the much safer practice of breastfeeding. This has been a Nestle problem for decades.
I might seem picky here, but I like to ask questions, and bring awareness to my actions, including my consumer actions. See for more info.
More on the eco-rape caused by our plastic bottled water habit on my environment page ..
Speaking of big companies and how they treat babies, Johnson & Johnson has been caught a few times, here and abroad, with selling carcinogen-contaminated baby shampoo. See for more info.
Bottom line? large companies are psychopathic by design (see the Corporation movie) and while there are some exceptions, the worthwhile companies are just that; an exception. Buy from local, small, more accountable business wherever possible; be conscious. It's better than being unconscious. Would you want to drive a car, asleep at the wheel?
Our lives are purposely manipulated to create artificial scarcity. And sooner or later, we get sucked in and think that scarcity is normal. It isn't, it is the exception to the Universal rule of abundance. Just a few examples; gas and oil is the backbone of our economy (unjustly I might add, but all the real alternatives are suppressed and lied about). So when you buy food, that food has been fertilised (fertiliser requires tons of petrochem inputs), shipped (more petrochem inputs), so the price of oil affects the price of food, and pretty much anything else you buy, to lesser and greater degrees. Now what if I told you the real price of oil and gas is about 1000% higher than it needs to be? Don't take my word for it, read the "The Oil non-Crisis" by Pastor Lindsey Williams. I have confirmed this info with an old hand in the oil industry. So if gas costed 1/10 as much as now, what would happen to the prices of food and rent (think of the bills landlords pay for heat; again petro-fuels) and our overall cost of living?
Beyond that quagmire of evil conspiracy between the oil giants is the suppressed multiple technologies for FREE ENERGY and almost free energy. Think of free energy! We could heat and greenhouse Antarctica, and light it up, producing as much food as we wanted and ship it anywhere with clean free energy. It's everywhere I look.
Money. Look at it; another huge scam that we all work for; most of our taxes (mostly illegal, btw, just saying) go to international banksters and corporate welfare. JFK was the first and only president in the western world in the past 100 years to have the audacity, and love of his country to print sovereign real American money. He defied the federal Reserve which is a treasonous shill for international banks. He got as far as $2 and $5 bills and after he was shot dead, the first thing the new sworn-in Prez did was re-instate the Fed Reserve act. The first thing.
By the way the Bank of Canada answers to a Swiss bank, and Pierre Trudeau massively hiked up our foreign lending and clamped down on interest free Bank of Canada loans for Canada. the CONservatives CONtinued down the path of compound interest foreign debt financing.
Live in a light planet. Shine your light, and be the change. And know that we co-create our reality with our beliefs expectations and mindset, so don't believe any punks who tell you otherwise. We need to vibrate higher and take this whole place up along with us. Our earth, our society needs us to be all that we can be. We are inherently free, inherently abundant and more powerful than we have any idea of! You are more than you think you are. Know it.
One danger I see in the "truth movement" is negativity. Let me explain; we are more powerful than we realise. Our thoughts and beliefs draw into our lives just what we are thinking and believing. I have far too much experience in this, particularly, not to believe it! So if we are simply pointing fingers at bad people and bad actions, and we start thinking negatively overall, we can actually reinforce what is wrong in the world.
The nature of reality is that;
a) the world around us is shaped by the collective thoughts. It is the physical manifestation of the collective conscious and unconscious.
b) this one is cool; positive is more powerful. Isn't that cool? Greg Bradden talks about research where less than one percent of a community thinking positive, feeling positive and dreaming into reality positivity; love, peace causes large measurable effects in those communities' crime rates on the specific days of doing and testing!
So be that positive love light and shine. Keep doing your mantras, your affirmations, tap it in with EFT (I love EFT) and watch the good times roll into your life and your world!
Is it hard to do? Yes sometimes. But the results are much more than worth it.
Beyond that quagmire of evil conspiracy between the oil giants is the suppressed multiple technologies for FREE ENERGY and almost free energy. Think of free energy! We could heat and greenhouse Antarctica, and light it up, producing as much food as we wanted and ship it anywhere with clean free energy. It's everywhere I look.
Money. Look at it; another huge scam that we all work for; most of our taxes (mostly illegal, btw, just saying) go to international banksters and corporate welfare. JFK was the first and only president in the western world in the past 100 years to have the audacity, and love of his country to print sovereign real American money. He defied the federal Reserve which is a treasonous shill for international banks. He got as far as $2 and $5 bills and after he was shot dead, the first thing the new sworn-in Prez did was re-instate the Fed Reserve act. The first thing.
By the way the Bank of Canada answers to a Swiss bank, and Pierre Trudeau massively hiked up our foreign lending and clamped down on interest free Bank of Canada loans for Canada. the CONservatives CONtinued down the path of compound interest foreign debt financing.
Live in a light planet. Shine your light, and be the change. And know that we co-create our reality with our beliefs expectations and mindset, so don't believe any punks who tell you otherwise. We need to vibrate higher and take this whole place up along with us. Our earth, our society needs us to be all that we can be. We are inherently free, inherently abundant and more powerful than we have any idea of! You are more than you think you are. Know it.
One danger I see in the "truth movement" is negativity. Let me explain; we are more powerful than we realise. Our thoughts and beliefs draw into our lives just what we are thinking and believing. I have far too much experience in this, particularly, not to believe it! So if we are simply pointing fingers at bad people and bad actions, and we start thinking negatively overall, we can actually reinforce what is wrong in the world.
The nature of reality is that;
a) the world around us is shaped by the collective thoughts. It is the physical manifestation of the collective conscious and unconscious.
b) this one is cool; positive is more powerful. Isn't that cool? Greg Bradden talks about research where less than one percent of a community thinking positive, feeling positive and dreaming into reality positivity; love, peace causes large measurable effects in those communities' crime rates on the specific days of doing and testing!
So be that positive love light and shine. Keep doing your mantras, your affirmations, tap it in with EFT (I love EFT) and watch the good times roll into your life and your world!
Is it hard to do? Yes sometimes. But the results are much more than worth it.