As a Type A, there are well tested foods which are beneficial, others which are neutral, and some which are harmful for you, especially when over-consumed. I am a type A, and we were genetically designed for a predominantly (but not exclusively) vegetarian diet. When I eat meat, I also take some seaweed and or arabinogalactan powder, isolated from Larch tree sap. Both contain "sacrificial" glyco-amines that help neutralise stress to the system from making exceptions to the type A rules. I also consume enzymes, moreso when eating meat and non- type A foods, again to optimise the processing in my body of these foods. Type A's are more recent in the human line; we are designed to live in farming communities on a largely vegetarian diet with a modest to small amount of animal protein.
The harmful foods are negatively reactive for type A’s, stressing the body in various ways. Dr D’adamo says that the ‘negative’ foods should still be eaten, but much less frequently, for dietary variety.
So, the bottom line; eat all or mostly natural, unprocessed foods, enjoying the GOOD foods more often, and the NOT-SO-GOOD foods less often.
The harmful foods are negatively reactive for type A’s, stressing the body in various ways. Dr D’adamo says that the ‘negative’ foods should still be eaten, but much less frequently, for dietary variety.
So, the bottom line; eat all or mostly natural, unprocessed foods, enjoying the GOOD foods more often, and the NOT-SO-GOOD foods less often.
Good Foods for type A not-so-good Foods
Proteins; beans, including soy, lentils,
most fish, chicken, turkey, eggs Grains; rye, millet, brown rice, buckwheat spelt, kamut Vegetables; almost all veggies, especially green veggies Fruits; all berries, grapefruit, lemon apples, pears, plums, apricots, grapes, cherries Nuts, Seeds; almost all, if raw soy yogourt, cow, sheep and goat yogourt, kefir, goat and sheep cheese coffee, green tea (2 coffee max) |
beef, lamb, venison, shellfish
wheat (as in regular pasta, breads, muffins) Nightshades; tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, potatoes oranges, bananas, mango, papaya cashews, pistachios most cheeses, milk, cream regular tea |