Sara Paone, dental hygienist working with Dr Schartz above. She is in a league of her own; lectures across Canada and the US about modern healthy care of the gums and teeth. She floored me by showing me before and after pics of my gums that actually regrew lost areas from her treatments. She truly cares about her patients, and I very highly recommend her.
Mirella the Shiatsu master tel: 416.985.9620
John Hadzi, personal trainer, nutritionist, email [email protected]
Eileen Fauster, an amazing Holistic Practitioner (registered holistic nutritionist, registered acupuncturist) who is very gifted at balancing the entire body and it’s systems with acupuncture, frequency healing, nutrition and her extensive know-how. Truly great work; Tel: 416.885.5558, email: [email protected], website essentialbalnce.ca
Andrea Lombardi who I call the ketone queen; a certified physician assistant who is super duper knowledgeable about real nutrition for chronic conditions, especially metabolioc syndrome types of issues (obesity, hypertension, fatty liver, high blood cholesterol). Her site is https://crowditout.org/
Allan Clews, a Hypnotherapist I found to be amazing; if you are ready to go deep to heal, this is your man. Tel: 416.556.6238
Another very good Hypnotherapist I have worked with is Josie Wessel, at Total Body clinic, Tel: 416.699.9990
Judith Neilly, an RMT and Osteopath with a masterly touch, super good and effective. Bloor/ Dufferin area, tel; 416.967.1220 email is best; [email protected]
Alberto Lunati, RMT, Osteopath - really good Osteopath who uses a number of modalities besides Osteopathy. 647.829.9820
Tia De Winter, Doula. Tia is a sweet, bright, thoroughly trained Doula here in Toronto. Her website is specialgift.ca. 647.808.2144
About Me
I am dedicated to health; of mind, body and soul. My training includes a BSc in Dietetics from Ryerson U, which I updated in 2005. I also completed a holistic nutritionist training at IHN the same year. I taught at IHN and also Seneca, Living Earth and now George Brown College. A registered dietitian (some misspell it dietician) is someone like the kind we find at SunnyBrook and St Mike's, "cutting edge" institutions where dietitians counsel heart patients to avoid tropical fats and butter and to chow down on canola and margarine. Of course that is pure 100% blasphemously unhealthy advice, but most people do not stray far from their education, which is always in part "miseducation". I handed in a paper in 1992 asserting that tropical oils (palm and coconut) are healthy for us. I received an 'A' on my blasphemous yet true and meticulously researched paper. Economic interests massage their lies into various governing bodies so that we can sell toxic vegetable oils and margarine to a brainwashed public, served by brainwashed "health" practitioners.
As a health professional, I do not sell any supplements. If I recommend a supplement, a client chooses to buy it or not, at any health food store of their choosing. I know many health professionals sell supplements, but I don't, never have, and probably never will. I really would rather do what I do, which is educate, guide, counsel, coach and hopefully inspire, with no potentially conflict-of-interest supplement selling. That way I am free to speak my mind on any supplement, and not have the compromising situation of getting a kick-back or profit from any one of them. I have no problem with other people selling supplements; it's everyone's individual choice.
Among my great loves are weights, health, and truth. I endeavor to combine the three in my practice, and in my life. I believe we are here for a reason, though I mightn't always have a good grip on what that reason exactly is. I just hope that God keeps blessing me, and supporting my strive for divine qualities, like patience, truth, and positive vibrations on my planet.
I am one of those health freaks that does things that are kind of rare, but which would be awesome if they were quite common- it is part of my aim to spread good health awareness, and practice.
I was first trained by my uncle, two time world champion powerlifter, Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale. He was the man who inspired me to start lifting, when he was a ripped, vascular powerlifting star, and I was a scrawny impressionable 12 year old. He was always supportive and helpful, and I thank him for his continuing guidance. Thanks, uncle! My uncle's website is metabolicdiet.com. There are loads of articles there, all written by Mauro, an expert’s expert on sports nutrition. He has some cool, top-notch supplements- really, A-Z, available through his store site, mdplusstore.com.
Sara Paone, dental hygienist working with Dr Schartz above. She is in a league of her own; lectures across Canada and the US about modern healthy care of the gums and teeth. She floored me by showing me before and after pics of my gums that actually regrew lost areas from her treatments. She truly cares about her patients, and I very highly recommend her.
Mirella the Shiatsu master tel: 416.985.9620
John Hadzi, personal trainer, nutritionist, email [email protected]
Eileen Fauster, an amazing Holistic Practitioner (registered holistic nutritionist, registered acupuncturist) who is very gifted at balancing the entire body and it’s systems with acupuncture, frequency healing, nutrition and her extensive know-how. Truly great work; Tel: 416.885.5558, email: [email protected], website essentialbalnce.ca
Andrea Lombardi who I call the ketone queen; a certified physician assistant who is super duper knowledgeable about real nutrition for chronic conditions, especially metabolioc syndrome types of issues (obesity, hypertension, fatty liver, high blood cholesterol). Her site is https://crowditout.org/
Allan Clews, a Hypnotherapist I found to be amazing; if you are ready to go deep to heal, this is your man. Tel: 416.556.6238
Another very good Hypnotherapist I have worked with is Josie Wessel, at Total Body clinic, Tel: 416.699.9990
Judith Neilly, an RMT and Osteopath with a masterly touch, super good and effective. Bloor/ Dufferin area, tel; 416.967.1220 email is best; [email protected]
Alberto Lunati, RMT, Osteopath - really good Osteopath who uses a number of modalities besides Osteopathy. 647.829.9820
Tia De Winter, Doula. Tia is a sweet, bright, thoroughly trained Doula here in Toronto. Her website is specialgift.ca. 647.808.2144
About Me
I am dedicated to health; of mind, body and soul. My training includes a BSc in Dietetics from Ryerson U, which I updated in 2005. I also completed a holistic nutritionist training at IHN the same year. I taught at IHN and also Seneca, Living Earth and now George Brown College. A registered dietitian (some misspell it dietician) is someone like the kind we find at SunnyBrook and St Mike's, "cutting edge" institutions where dietitians counsel heart patients to avoid tropical fats and butter and to chow down on canola and margarine. Of course that is pure 100% blasphemously unhealthy advice, but most people do not stray far from their education, which is always in part "miseducation". I handed in a paper in 1992 asserting that tropical oils (palm and coconut) are healthy for us. I received an 'A' on my blasphemous yet true and meticulously researched paper. Economic interests massage their lies into various governing bodies so that we can sell toxic vegetable oils and margarine to a brainwashed public, served by brainwashed "health" practitioners.
As a health professional, I do not sell any supplements. If I recommend a supplement, a client chooses to buy it or not, at any health food store of their choosing. I know many health professionals sell supplements, but I don't, never have, and probably never will. I really would rather do what I do, which is educate, guide, counsel, coach and hopefully inspire, with no potentially conflict-of-interest supplement selling. That way I am free to speak my mind on any supplement, and not have the compromising situation of getting a kick-back or profit from any one of them. I have no problem with other people selling supplements; it's everyone's individual choice.
Among my great loves are weights, health, and truth. I endeavor to combine the three in my practice, and in my life. I believe we are here for a reason, though I mightn't always have a good grip on what that reason exactly is. I just hope that God keeps blessing me, and supporting my strive for divine qualities, like patience, truth, and positive vibrations on my planet.
I am one of those health freaks that does things that are kind of rare, but which would be awesome if they were quite common- it is part of my aim to spread good health awareness, and practice.
I was first trained by my uncle, two time world champion powerlifter, Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale. He was the man who inspired me to start lifting, when he was a ripped, vascular powerlifting star, and I was a scrawny impressionable 12 year old. He was always supportive and helpful, and I thank him for his continuing guidance. Thanks, uncle! My uncle's website is metabolicdiet.com. There are loads of articles there, all written by Mauro, an expert’s expert on sports nutrition. He has some cool, top-notch supplements- really, A-Z, available through his store site, mdplusstore.com.

My friend and occasional training partner John Hadzi, literally the strongest man I know, has helped my understanding and practice of strength training and holistic nutrition. He is THE best trainer I know, and can be reached at 416.816.1720. His specialty is kettle bell training; I can assure you, 'Johnny' has the biggest, baddest kettle bells ever, in his personal collection. He also has 'baby' bells for the novice.

Here's John about to get freaky with a 180lb kettlebell. Now, most sane people train with 30- 40 lb kettlebells- not Johnny. As a side note, I can flip my 105 lb kettlebell with both hands, a feat I am proud of - it ain't easy! John does it with one hand!
Knowing that a 180 bell would spank mere mortals, you start to get why I call John a UFO!
John has worked with at least 2 people that I know of who were in serious trouble with their backs. One was on heavy pain medications and contemplating risky surgery.
The happy ending is that both people were lucky enough to hook up with John and both quickly and completely gained healthy, strong backs. No more pain. And no risky surgery. I would always avoid surgery if at all possible for myself or anyone else who was seeking advice. John and I have both worked with people who were told straight up "you must get surgery" and we straight up have seen excellent results that were far better than what surgery could ever hope to accomplish! Surgery is sometimes necessary, but for crisis problems only, not chronic health conditions, I would say.
Please, folks, seek out alternatives when your specialists and Dr's tell you that there are no alternatives. Because there ARE alternatives, especially when you are told there are none!
Another great training partner of mine is Keita Hopkinson, the "Soy Boy", who is living evidence that vegetarians can be freaky big and strong. He does not train people professionally, though he certainly could!
Keita has freaky, sick muscle mass in his arms, shoulders, legs, pretty much everywhere. This guy single-handedly smashes the notion that vegetarians can't be big and strong!
Lifting heavy and being healthy and natural means always being in reasonable condition- ups and downs are stressful to the body, so better to stay within a 5-10 pound range, all the time. Personally, I have never competed, so no need to get silly freaky ripped. Gaining weight is my challenge.
Knowing that a 180 bell would spank mere mortals, you start to get why I call John a UFO!
John has worked with at least 2 people that I know of who were in serious trouble with their backs. One was on heavy pain medications and contemplating risky surgery.
The happy ending is that both people were lucky enough to hook up with John and both quickly and completely gained healthy, strong backs. No more pain. And no risky surgery. I would always avoid surgery if at all possible for myself or anyone else who was seeking advice. John and I have both worked with people who were told straight up "you must get surgery" and we straight up have seen excellent results that were far better than what surgery could ever hope to accomplish! Surgery is sometimes necessary, but for crisis problems only, not chronic health conditions, I would say.
Please, folks, seek out alternatives when your specialists and Dr's tell you that there are no alternatives. Because there ARE alternatives, especially when you are told there are none!
Another great training partner of mine is Keita Hopkinson, the "Soy Boy", who is living evidence that vegetarians can be freaky big and strong. He does not train people professionally, though he certainly could!
Keita has freaky, sick muscle mass in his arms, shoulders, legs, pretty much everywhere. This guy single-handedly smashes the notion that vegetarians can't be big and strong!
Lifting heavy and being healthy and natural means always being in reasonable condition- ups and downs are stressful to the body, so better to stay within a 5-10 pound range, all the time. Personally, I have never competed, so no need to get silly freaky ripped. Gaining weight is my challenge.

Lifting heavy for health means always being in reasonable condition- ups and downs are stressful to the body, so better to stay within a 5-10 pound range, all the time. Natural lifters are generally in similar shape, all the time. Big fluctuations are a big hint of drug use. I have never competed, so no need to get silly freaky ripped. I am naturally lean. Being a Vata dominant (Ayurvedic body typing dosha), my body thrives on lots of cooked food, not much raw food, definitely loads of fat and lots of protein. I do fast 1 to 3 days per week, consuming almost no protein, typically surviving on a few fruits and a bunch of clay water. More on that in the detox section. Vata's tend to have less firey digestion so I have been taking enzymes every meal for 20 years now. I talk more about what Vata's need in the gym and in their diet in the Mass page. If you are of a different natural bodytype, find out your Ayurvedic situation on the Ayurvedic page! It's interesting for me to work with different types; I recently saw a very athletic client who is the opposite of me in Ayurvedic typing, and it was great to see how good he felt and how well he progressed when we dialed in the right diet and exercise prescription for him.