The SUN is your friend
Sun exposure reduces the incidence of skin cancer, in moderation.
Get too little sun; raise skin cancer risk.
Get too much sun; also raises skin cancer risk.
Enough sun is just a short time if you are very pale, and longer, the darker you are. I'm not particularly dark, but average about 5- 10 hours of direct mid day sun a week in the summer.
The sun on your skin produces loads of vitamin D and also inositol triphosphate.An optimal amount of D is around 10 thousand iu daily. A light skinned person in mid-day sun would make that amount in less than 10 minutes. Longer tan times will not ever result in an "overdose" of vitamin D. since skin production is down regulated naturally after further time in the sun, past say an hour or so. Besides that, 90 years of research that I have looked at shows me it's almost impossible to overdose, even if you take 10 or a 100 thousand units daily plus your sun bathe.
Daker skinned people may need up to 5 times longer in the sun to make the same amount of vitamin D, therefore, not surprisingly, American and Canadian research shows darker people have lower levels of D in the body, on average (more on that on my Black health page).
Sun blocks are mostly toxic and carcinogenic. If you insist on wearing sunblock, get one from a health store, and be sure it is chemical free.
Supplements of vitamin C, vitamin E (powerful healthy antioxidants) and selenium (a mineral used by the body to make glutathione, a master antioxidant) will help you tolerate more sun with less sun stress on your skin.
Sun exposure reduces the incidence of skin cancer, in moderation.
Get too little sun; raise skin cancer risk.
Get too much sun; also raises skin cancer risk.
Enough sun is just a short time if you are very pale, and longer, the darker you are. I'm not particularly dark, but average about 5- 10 hours of direct mid day sun a week in the summer.
The sun on your skin produces loads of vitamin D and also inositol triphosphate.An optimal amount of D is around 10 thousand iu daily. A light skinned person in mid-day sun would make that amount in less than 10 minutes. Longer tan times will not ever result in an "overdose" of vitamin D. since skin production is down regulated naturally after further time in the sun, past say an hour or so. Besides that, 90 years of research that I have looked at shows me it's almost impossible to overdose, even if you take 10 or a 100 thousand units daily plus your sun bathe.
Daker skinned people may need up to 5 times longer in the sun to make the same amount of vitamin D, therefore, not surprisingly, American and Canadian research shows darker people have lower levels of D in the body, on average (more on that on my Black health page).
Sun blocks are mostly toxic and carcinogenic. If you insist on wearing sunblock, get one from a health store, and be sure it is chemical free.
Supplements of vitamin C, vitamin E (powerful healthy antioxidants) and selenium (a mineral used by the body to make glutathione, a master antioxidant) will help you tolerate more sun with less sun stress on your skin.

AVOID diet bullsh!t products especially diet pop
I bumped into a woman in a subway station - young, attractive, and overall a looker ... she approached me and asked if I could just talk to her for a bit, since she felt lost and shaky. As we spoke, she said she suffered from epilepsy and it was a problem with her work life. When she would have a "fit", she wouldn't convulse as you might imagine; rather, she would become disoriented and blank out, but never actually faint or fall; just sort of knocked out on her feet.
So I asked her gently what day it was, where she was .. kept her talking .. and slowly she came around to full awareness. I looked down at her purse, and it was open and right on top was a diet Pepsi.
I told her that aspartame was a neurotoxin, and proven to cause seizures. I also said she definitely should stop it immediately for her health and especially since she was having seizures.
At that point she changed her attitude towards me entirely, and told me how much she loved diet Pepsi, generally becoming cold and defensive, so off I went on my merry way.
Don't be a statistic. Ignorance is bad, but remaining ignorant on purpose is just that much worse.
Aspartame is a pancreatic toxin too, which has been shown to cause more diabetes in humans than sugar! Sugar is not a pancreatic poison, but causes diabetes via other mechanisms.
Winter 2018- 2019
Ah the cold short days; be sure to be generous with vitamin D which helps alleviate SAD (seasonal affective disorder) which we all have to varying degrees. Also very helpful is bright light therapy.
You don't need a fancy light setup - just a really powerful light (I have a 300 W one from Canadian Tire, cost me around 3.oo) and expose yourself to it for one or two hours a day.
I set mine up beside my computer.
I take betweem 5 - 10 thousand iu of vitamin D daily as well.
Ah the cold short days; be sure to be generous with vitamin D which helps alleviate SAD (seasonal affective disorder) which we all have to varying degrees. Also very helpful is bright light therapy.
You don't need a fancy light setup - just a really powerful light (I have a 300 W one from Canadian Tire, cost me around 3.oo) and expose yourself to it for one or two hours a day.
I set mine up beside my computer.
I take betweem 5 - 10 thousand iu of vitamin D daily as well.
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