Cancer has been cured in many ways, by many people since pre-history
Our pharmaceutical industry, which relies on ignorance for their survival in their present super-bloated unsustainable state has been behind the scenes of all the legal busts and murders and suppression in the cancer cure scene, leaving the masses believing that cancer is a tough disease to cure and that we should donate money to the bottomless pit of bogus sham research, where dead ends and blind alleys like genetics are researched and many people are getting fatter off of people's naive gullibility and generosity. Politics in Healing written by a NY state politico Daniel Haley is a great primer on behind-the-scenes cure suppression.
Research that actually matters (as opposed to Cancer industry research, the kind who constantly ask for donations and never find a cure) states many things about cancer that people in the know use to easily beat most cancers.
People I have met lead me to believe the cure rate in the holistic natural camp is far far FAR higher than the toxic pharma/ chemo/ surgery camp. Plus no harm is done, treating things naturally. Talk to a bald, sick, dying-from-side-effects chemo patient about collateral damage.
Yes some people survive in spite of medical treatment. I believe the naturals are batting way higher and do not harm the body.
Of the many many cures available to someone to cure and prevent cancer, I present my favourites.
Just for the record if I ever got cancer I would steadfastly avoid seeing an ordinary MD, or Oncologist. Medical treatment of cancer sucks, and is only beneficial to the God of medicine, Big Pharma, in my humble opinion.
Our pharmaceutical industry, which relies on ignorance for their survival in their present super-bloated unsustainable state has been behind the scenes of all the legal busts and murders and suppression in the cancer cure scene, leaving the masses believing that cancer is a tough disease to cure and that we should donate money to the bottomless pit of bogus sham research, where dead ends and blind alleys like genetics are researched and many people are getting fatter off of people's naive gullibility and generosity. Politics in Healing written by a NY state politico Daniel Haley is a great primer on behind-the-scenes cure suppression.
Research that actually matters (as opposed to Cancer industry research, the kind who constantly ask for donations and never find a cure) states many things about cancer that people in the know use to easily beat most cancers.
People I have met lead me to believe the cure rate in the holistic natural camp is far far FAR higher than the toxic pharma/ chemo/ surgery camp. Plus no harm is done, treating things naturally. Talk to a bald, sick, dying-from-side-effects chemo patient about collateral damage.
Yes some people survive in spite of medical treatment. I believe the naturals are batting way higher and do not harm the body.
Of the many many cures available to someone to cure and prevent cancer, I present my favourites.
Just for the record if I ever got cancer I would steadfastly avoid seeing an ordinary MD, or Oncologist. Medical treatment of cancer sucks, and is only beneficial to the God of medicine, Big Pharma, in my humble opinion.
Rene Caisse was a nurse in Ontario, mostly practicing in Bracebridge who was supported by the Ontario Health Minister and thousands upon thousands of grateful people, yet within a few years she was threatened and harassed into closing her clinic. First by legislation specifically hostile to her by a new, more puppeted Minister and then a set-up Commission report stacked against her from the get-go.
Her herbal formula is available in a decent version by Flora, as Flor Essence. If I wanted to take Rene Caisse's formula, I'd brew my own, asking Roger the herbalist at Herbie's Herbs right here in Toronto to kindly make me a bag of it, in bulk. See Anthony + Friends for details on Roger. The origins of her herbal cancer curing tea formula are Canadian Aboriginal. I was telling a Native Canadian about the Essiac story, how the healing herbal formula had been shared freely, and went on to be widely sold and was quite closely guarded for a long time. He looked saddened that what was free knowledge became for-profit product. In Rene Caisees' defense, she charged modest fees and did help many people who could not pay the full (modest) fees.
Multiple people have told me what they have done to cure themselves of cancer naturally and painlessly!
Prominent in the natural self cures I have personally heard of are;
Cancer is fungal!
Candida albicans is one well known fungus/ yeast that grows in the human body. Saccharomyces cerevisium is a yeast that we use to make bread, beer, wine and spirits. All yeasts/ fungus love sugar. And many top people are saying that cancer is a yeast-controlled/ taken over cell. Who are these top people? Dr Costantini, former high ranking Dr. at the World Health Organisation.
"every dietary measure found to be effective against cancer ... are all antifungal and/ or antimycotoxic" - Dr. Costantini
What is a mycotoxin? Mycotoxins are toxins naturally produced by fungi. Mycotoxins are amongst the most toxic substances known to man! One drop of pure aflatoxin, made by a mould which is especially fond of peanuts can kill around 200 people! Mycotoxins can be substantially reduced and practically eliminated by intelligent preparation methods and food choices; read on.
Otto Warburg won a Nobel Prize in 1931 and was nominated for a Nobel Prize several times before and after. He proved that sugar causes cancer! Also proved that cancer cells ferment, rather than oxidise sugars. Both of these findings point to cancer being fungal.
My Cancer Rx
I am immune to cancer. Why? because my whole life would be classified by Dr. Costantini above as "antifungal" and "antimycotoxic". Plus I detox all the time and regularly consume anti-parasitics. Ronald Gdanski wrote absolutely brilliantly researched books on curing and preventing cancer and his central case is for cancer being fungal. He also, like Dr Hulda Clark shows that parasites are a cofactor in cancer as well.
Antifungals + antimycotoxics that I consume include vitamin C, NAC, oregano and hydrogen peroxide.
vitamin C is a potent anti mycotoxic. Most fungus, which are found in abundance on whole grains are very toxic! I take vitamin C with almost every meal. My daily intake is 5+ grams.
H2O2 is a fungal killer. Fungus cannot survive H202 at all. It is such a good killer and yet non toxic to us in small quantities. Explains why our own white blood cells make H202 (peroxide) right in our body! I regularly drink a few drops of the food grade stuff (from a health store) in water and always always soak my whole grains with some H202 added to water overnight before cooking. Eliminates practically all toxic fungus, which is present in ALL WHOLE GRAINS. See my recipes page.
Oregano is a wonderfully tasty herb which I consume very regularly; I particularly like it in salad and also sprinkled on bread which is a bit of a rarity for me to eat. Italian style toast is smothered in olive oil and sprinkled with plenty of oregano, with optional squished tomato yummmm. I sometimes add a drop or two of oregano oil to my salad; also yummy. Excessive use of oregano oil can damage the kidneys, so I mostly use the dried herb.
Her herbal formula is available in a decent version by Flora, as Flor Essence. If I wanted to take Rene Caisse's formula, I'd brew my own, asking Roger the herbalist at Herbie's Herbs right here in Toronto to kindly make me a bag of it, in bulk. See Anthony + Friends for details on Roger. The origins of her herbal cancer curing tea formula are Canadian Aboriginal. I was telling a Native Canadian about the Essiac story, how the healing herbal formula had been shared freely, and went on to be widely sold and was quite closely guarded for a long time. He looked saddened that what was free knowledge became for-profit product. In Rene Caisees' defense, she charged modest fees and did help many people who could not pay the full (modest) fees.
Multiple people have told me what they have done to cure themselves of cancer naturally and painlessly!
Prominent in the natural self cures I have personally heard of are;
- vitamin C in mega doses
- pancreatin
- food grade hydrogen peroxide (non toxic, but lethally dangerous in it's undiluted state; be careful)
- apricot kernels
Cancer is fungal!
Candida albicans is one well known fungus/ yeast that grows in the human body. Saccharomyces cerevisium is a yeast that we use to make bread, beer, wine and spirits. All yeasts/ fungus love sugar. And many top people are saying that cancer is a yeast-controlled/ taken over cell. Who are these top people? Dr Costantini, former high ranking Dr. at the World Health Organisation.
"every dietary measure found to be effective against cancer ... are all antifungal and/ or antimycotoxic" - Dr. Costantini
What is a mycotoxin? Mycotoxins are toxins naturally produced by fungi. Mycotoxins are amongst the most toxic substances known to man! One drop of pure aflatoxin, made by a mould which is especially fond of peanuts can kill around 200 people! Mycotoxins can be substantially reduced and practically eliminated by intelligent preparation methods and food choices; read on.
Otto Warburg won a Nobel Prize in 1931 and was nominated for a Nobel Prize several times before and after. He proved that sugar causes cancer! Also proved that cancer cells ferment, rather than oxidise sugars. Both of these findings point to cancer being fungal.
My Cancer Rx
I am immune to cancer. Why? because my whole life would be classified by Dr. Costantini above as "antifungal" and "antimycotoxic". Plus I detox all the time and regularly consume anti-parasitics. Ronald Gdanski wrote absolutely brilliantly researched books on curing and preventing cancer and his central case is for cancer being fungal. He also, like Dr Hulda Clark shows that parasites are a cofactor in cancer as well.
Antifungals + antimycotoxics that I consume include vitamin C, NAC, oregano and hydrogen peroxide.
vitamin C is a potent anti mycotoxic. Most fungus, which are found in abundance on whole grains are very toxic! I take vitamin C with almost every meal. My daily intake is 5+ grams.
H2O2 is a fungal killer. Fungus cannot survive H202 at all. It is such a good killer and yet non toxic to us in small quantities. Explains why our own white blood cells make H202 (peroxide) right in our body! I regularly drink a few drops of the food grade stuff (from a health store) in water and always always soak my whole grains with some H202 added to water overnight before cooking. Eliminates practically all toxic fungus, which is present in ALL WHOLE GRAINS. See my recipes page.
Oregano is a wonderfully tasty herb which I consume very regularly; I particularly like it in salad and also sprinkled on bread which is a bit of a rarity for me to eat. Italian style toast is smothered in olive oil and sprinkled with plenty of oregano, with optional squished tomato yummmm. I sometimes add a drop or two of oregano oil to my salad; also yummy. Excessive use of oregano oil can damage the kidneys, so I mostly use the dried herb.
Pancreatin is a profound anti ageing health tonic and cancer killer. I take it heavily, about one or two weeks per month. It heavily boosts immune function and promotes good lymphatic circulation. I have met people that have eliminated cysts, lumps and bumps by simply taking high doses of pancreatin. A young woman told me she eliminated her ovarian cysts .. a fellow I know gave it to his dog and in a couple of weeks a problematic cyst was gone, saving him a costly veterinarian procedure .. an older fellow reported that high dose pancreatin and vitamin C completely eliminated his diagnosed malignant tumor from his thyroid in under a month. Before 1920, pancreatin had been proven to be a non toxic cancer cure, but of course you won't see any mention of it in any medical training.
I love pancreatin because it is a great cellular and blood cleanser and immune booster. It is literally anti ageing, since as we age our enzyme levels go down, and taking supplemental enzymes gets them back up!
I love pancreatin because it is a great cellular and blood cleanser and immune booster. It is literally anti ageing, since as we age our enzyme levels go down, and taking supplemental enzymes gets them back up!
Apricot kernels are tasty and super healthy. Recommended is to not consume more than 10 per day. I eat about 20- 50 kernels a few days per month. Can't stop at 10, I love them too much and don't personally believe they are toxic in higher quantities, especially since my body is anti-oxidant loaded : ) Apricot kernels contain lots of laetrile (vit B17), an oft-researched anti-cancer agent, which of course the governing bodies of health and cancer industry have "disproven". I met a man who cured himself of melanoma with around 10 apricot kernels a day. His friend had the same-same results!
Sugar. Puh! the average American consumes about 135 pounds of sugar per year, counting HFCS and other processed sugars. The average Canuck; over 20 teaspoons daily, not far behind the Americans. I consume about 1 lb of honey annually along with about 1 pound of mostly organic sugar annually. Processed foods, dressings and sauces are almost nonexistent in my diet, and there are very few restaurants I would ever eat at. All kinds of processed food that you wouldn't expect to have loads of sweeteners, does! I eat dates and fruits for my sweet fix. Fruit consumption is abundantly proven to reduce cancer incidence.
YES sugars list; I heartily recommend eating all the fresh fruit you desire! Always before a meal or outside of a meal, not after. Literally I do not at all restrict fruit consumption for anyone.
CAUTION list; dried fruits is a bit of a different story. If someone was concerned about cancer risk, I would tell them to avoid dried fruit as it is especially concentrated in sugars, and is full of yeasts who love growing on dried fruit. Goes without saying; no drinks other than herbal tea, and no processed foods as far as you are willing to go; closer to zero is better.
Baking Soda, Alkaline therapies
Sodium bicarbonate; one of the cheapest items in your kitchen. A strong alkaliser, and a compound which is actually produced in your body, in the pancreas. There is a Dr in Italy claiming cure or treatment for cancer using baking soda, taken by mouth. He isn't new to the scene; baking soda was applied to tumours in the days before chemotherapy and it always seemed to help; shrinking or even disappearance of tumours thus treated was common. Cancer quite simply can not survive in an alkaline environment. Drinking lots of wheat grass, taking alkaline minerals, reducing red meats and pop all help push the body's tissues in an alkaline direction. The physiology nerds will say "wait a minute; the body's pH is tightly regulated and can't be changed". In theory, they're right. In practice, they're horribly wrong. Dr Rudolph A. Wiley did extensive testing on people, and found that anyone could shift their pH a few hundredths either way through simple dietary changes, and furthermore, these "minor" pH shifts caused MASSIVE health improvements in people's who's pH was a bit "off". His amazing book is called BioBalance. I applied his principles right away, finding my ideal pH diet.
As for how much baking soda you may want to try; listen to your body. A client told me that a friend of hers had a bad case of arthritis, and upon hearing about baking soda therapy, she started taking 1 teaspoon of it every day. In one month, she was pain free!
You may feel best taking your baking soda dose (start small) in the morning or maybe the evening; try and see. As for myself, I can't tolerate baking soda; my gut reacts to it, even in tiny amounts. So I rely on greens. alfalfa and some cesium for alkalinity (see below for cesium)
is Wine carcinogenic?
There is some link between alcohol and cancer. In fact, there is a lot of link between alcohol and cancer! Taking a wide angle view, in absolute terms, moderate drinking is associated with a longer lifespan. Not dramatically longer, but significant nonetheless. So the Buddhist middle path idea of not too much nor too little probably applies here. Moderate drinking associated with longer life is 1 to 2 drinks per day.
Personally I don't drink much, perhaps 1 or 2 drinks a month, but that's what works for me.
The real carcinogenic culprits are sugar-laden foods which includes processed foods. Processed packaged foods do also contain unlisted carcinogens like hexane, and other petrochemicals, often used as lubricants in processing and packaging machinery. Hulda Clark did extensive testing on packaged foods and found carcinogenic petrochemical contamination to be the norm.
Cook your own whole foods as much as possible. you've heard that one before, right?
are Pesticides carcinogenic?
Yes, according to a huge body of research evidence, including the Canadian House of Commons Standing Committee on the Environment and Sustainable Development Report. Pesticides are directly carcinogenic as well as indirectly, by weakening immune function and our natural detoxification pathways.
are GMO's carcinogenic?
Absolutely, yes, even though Monsanto, the slimy GMO superpower pressured a journal to retract research proving their GMO "foods" are carcinogenic.
Sugar. Puh! the average American consumes about 135 pounds of sugar per year, counting HFCS and other processed sugars. The average Canuck; over 20 teaspoons daily, not far behind the Americans. I consume about 1 lb of honey annually along with about 1 pound of mostly organic sugar annually. Processed foods, dressings and sauces are almost nonexistent in my diet, and there are very few restaurants I would ever eat at. All kinds of processed food that you wouldn't expect to have loads of sweeteners, does! I eat dates and fruits for my sweet fix. Fruit consumption is abundantly proven to reduce cancer incidence.
YES sugars list; I heartily recommend eating all the fresh fruit you desire! Always before a meal or outside of a meal, not after. Literally I do not at all restrict fruit consumption for anyone.
CAUTION list; dried fruits is a bit of a different story. If someone was concerned about cancer risk, I would tell them to avoid dried fruit as it is especially concentrated in sugars, and is full of yeasts who love growing on dried fruit. Goes without saying; no drinks other than herbal tea, and no processed foods as far as you are willing to go; closer to zero is better.
Baking Soda, Alkaline therapies
Sodium bicarbonate; one of the cheapest items in your kitchen. A strong alkaliser, and a compound which is actually produced in your body, in the pancreas. There is a Dr in Italy claiming cure or treatment for cancer using baking soda, taken by mouth. He isn't new to the scene; baking soda was applied to tumours in the days before chemotherapy and it always seemed to help; shrinking or even disappearance of tumours thus treated was common. Cancer quite simply can not survive in an alkaline environment. Drinking lots of wheat grass, taking alkaline minerals, reducing red meats and pop all help push the body's tissues in an alkaline direction. The physiology nerds will say "wait a minute; the body's pH is tightly regulated and can't be changed". In theory, they're right. In practice, they're horribly wrong. Dr Rudolph A. Wiley did extensive testing on people, and found that anyone could shift their pH a few hundredths either way through simple dietary changes, and furthermore, these "minor" pH shifts caused MASSIVE health improvements in people's who's pH was a bit "off". His amazing book is called BioBalance. I applied his principles right away, finding my ideal pH diet.
As for how much baking soda you may want to try; listen to your body. A client told me that a friend of hers had a bad case of arthritis, and upon hearing about baking soda therapy, she started taking 1 teaspoon of it every day. In one month, she was pain free!
You may feel best taking your baking soda dose (start small) in the morning or maybe the evening; try and see. As for myself, I can't tolerate baking soda; my gut reacts to it, even in tiny amounts. So I rely on greens. alfalfa and some cesium for alkalinity (see below for cesium)
is Wine carcinogenic?
There is some link between alcohol and cancer. In fact, there is a lot of link between alcohol and cancer! Taking a wide angle view, in absolute terms, moderate drinking is associated with a longer lifespan. Not dramatically longer, but significant nonetheless. So the Buddhist middle path idea of not too much nor too little probably applies here. Moderate drinking associated with longer life is 1 to 2 drinks per day.
Personally I don't drink much, perhaps 1 or 2 drinks a month, but that's what works for me.
The real carcinogenic culprits are sugar-laden foods which includes processed foods. Processed packaged foods do also contain unlisted carcinogens like hexane, and other petrochemicals, often used as lubricants in processing and packaging machinery. Hulda Clark did extensive testing on packaged foods and found carcinogenic petrochemical contamination to be the norm.
Cook your own whole foods as much as possible. you've heard that one before, right?
are Pesticides carcinogenic?
Yes, according to a huge body of research evidence, including the Canadian House of Commons Standing Committee on the Environment and Sustainable Development Report. Pesticides are directly carcinogenic as well as indirectly, by weakening immune function and our natural detoxification pathways.
are GMO's carcinogenic?
Absolutely, yes, even though Monsanto, the slimy GMO superpower pressured a journal to retract research proving their GMO "foods" are carcinogenic.
Oxygen gives life, and is toxic to Cancer
Oxygen is loved and needed for life by all aerobic organisms, including us. Very many pathogenic bacteria and fungi are either facultative (can deal with some oxygen) or anaerobic (don't need oxygen). High concentrations of oxygen kill the bad guys! (that is, most bad bacteria and fungi, which happen to be anearobic or facultative). H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide, which is a strong oxidiser that is 100% non toxic to healthy body cells in low concentrations. Imagine that! A strong anti-fungal anti-bacterial which is non toxic to your cells, in a therapeutic dose! Know what? It's so great, that your body is making it right now! Your white blood cells produce low levels of H2O2, and so so certain healthy probiotics in our colon. Thing is, taking some extra H2O2 ramps immunity, and kills pathogens like Candida and cancer quite nicely and neatly. Start very small, lest you feel ill from killing too many "bad guys" too quickly.Dr. Walter Grotz cured many humans and animals with low doses of (food grade) H2O2. This hero of a man was found dead on his property in a very suspicious murder. He was a big threat to the medical mafia. BTW "medical mafia" is a term coined by fellow Canadian, Guylaine Lanctot, MD, who wrote an excellent book about health and "health care". Many other people are carrying on the work of Dr. Grotz, including Dr. William Campbell Douglass II, and Ed McCabe and others. I gargle with heavily diluted food grade H2O2, have bathed in it, brush my teeth with it, drink a few drops of it here and there and use it for soaking all my grains, legumes and seeds, eliminating moulds and speeding sprouting. Be careful with undiluted food grade peroxide; use gloves and glasses and keep well away from children. In fact keep the undiluted stuff away from everyone. Well diluted, it's safe. An excellent video about Ed McCabe's research and know-how with oxidative therapies (like H2O2) is here
Oxygen is loved and needed for life by all aerobic organisms, including us. Very many pathogenic bacteria and fungi are either facultative (can deal with some oxygen) or anaerobic (don't need oxygen). High concentrations of oxygen kill the bad guys! (that is, most bad bacteria and fungi, which happen to be anearobic or facultative). H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide, which is a strong oxidiser that is 100% non toxic to healthy body cells in low concentrations. Imagine that! A strong anti-fungal anti-bacterial which is non toxic to your cells, in a therapeutic dose! Know what? It's so great, that your body is making it right now! Your white blood cells produce low levels of H2O2, and so so certain healthy probiotics in our colon. Thing is, taking some extra H2O2 ramps immunity, and kills pathogens like Candida and cancer quite nicely and neatly. Start very small, lest you feel ill from killing too many "bad guys" too quickly.Dr. Walter Grotz cured many humans and animals with low doses of (food grade) H2O2. This hero of a man was found dead on his property in a very suspicious murder. He was a big threat to the medical mafia. BTW "medical mafia" is a term coined by fellow Canadian, Guylaine Lanctot, MD, who wrote an excellent book about health and "health care". Many other people are carrying on the work of Dr. Grotz, including Dr. William Campbell Douglass II, and Ed McCabe and others. I gargle with heavily diluted food grade H2O2, have bathed in it, brush my teeth with it, drink a few drops of it here and there and use it for soaking all my grains, legumes and seeds, eliminating moulds and speeding sprouting. Be careful with undiluted food grade peroxide; use gloves and glasses and keep well away from children. In fact keep the undiluted stuff away from everyone. Well diluted, it's safe. An excellent video about Ed McCabe's research and know-how with oxidative therapies (like H2O2) is here
Microwaveable Cancer
Microwaved food stress the body greatly and this is easy to measure physiologically. Dr Hans Ulrich Hertel of Switzerland clearly showed this in his research; which he had a very hard time getting anyone to publish, by the way. He finally got published but had to fight a Swiss association of electrical appliance manufacturers. Stressing your body's physiology means a weaker immune system, which cancer loves and as if that wasn't bad enough, Dr Hertel found some pre-cancerous changes in the blood of volunteers appear directly as a result of eating microwaved food. Scandalous that his good research was not pursued by say, the folks who claim they are regulating things for our health like the FDA in the USA and Health Canada here! Even our Food Guide specifically recommends microwaving, in it's paranoid, dead-wrong anti-health low fat message.
Microwaved food stress the body greatly and this is easy to measure physiologically. Dr Hans Ulrich Hertel of Switzerland clearly showed this in his research; which he had a very hard time getting anyone to publish, by the way. He finally got published but had to fight a Swiss association of electrical appliance manufacturers. Stressing your body's physiology means a weaker immune system, which cancer loves and as if that wasn't bad enough, Dr Hertel found some pre-cancerous changes in the blood of volunteers appear directly as a result of eating microwaved food. Scandalous that his good research was not pursued by say, the folks who claim they are regulating things for our health like the FDA in the USA and Health Canada here! Even our Food Guide specifically recommends microwaving, in it's paranoid, dead-wrong anti-health low fat message.
also called Caesium is an alkali mineral; the most alkaline mineral in fact. Cancer, as mentioned above, hates alkalinity. That's why we have a history of cancer treatment with something so simple as baking soda, as well as alkaline foods like wheat grass juice and alfalfa.
Cesium is a mineral i take as a supplement; 500mg to 1 gram daily. It's a wonderful long term alkaliser; it stays in our tissues longer
once it reaches a cell, due to it's much larger size compared to lighter alkaline minerals such as potassium and calcium.
Cesium; atomic mass 132.9
Potassium atomic mass 39
Calcium atomic mass 40
I take my cesium with 200mcg of selenium and 30mg of zinc, both of which are felt to raise cellular uptake of cesium.
It's worth quoting Dr Brewer;
Dr. Brewer,, A. K. The high pH therapy for cancer tests on mice and humans. PHARMACOL BIOCHEM BEHAV 21: Suppl. 1, 1-5. 1984.---Mass spectrographic and isotope studies have shown that potassium, rubidium, and especially cesium are most efficiently taken up by cancer cells. This uptake was enhanced by Vitamins A and C as well as salts of zinc and selenium. The quantity of cesium taken up was sufficient to raise the cell to the 8 pH range. Where cell mitosis ceases and the life of the cell is short. Tests on mice fed cesium and rubidium showed marked shrinkage in the tumor masses within 2 weeks. In addition, the mice showed none of the side effects of cancer. Tests have been carried out on over 30 humans. [Please note: these tests were not conducted by Dr. Brewer.] In each case the tumor masses disappeared. Also all pains and effects associated with cancer disappeared within 12 to 36 hr; the more chemotherapy and morphine the patient had taken, the longer the withdrawal period. Studies of the food intake in areas where the incidences of cancer are very low showed that it met the requirements for the high pH therapy.
also called Caesium is an alkali mineral; the most alkaline mineral in fact. Cancer, as mentioned above, hates alkalinity. That's why we have a history of cancer treatment with something so simple as baking soda, as well as alkaline foods like wheat grass juice and alfalfa.
Cesium is a mineral i take as a supplement; 500mg to 1 gram daily. It's a wonderful long term alkaliser; it stays in our tissues longer
once it reaches a cell, due to it's much larger size compared to lighter alkaline minerals such as potassium and calcium.
Cesium; atomic mass 132.9
Potassium atomic mass 39
Calcium atomic mass 40
I take my cesium with 200mcg of selenium and 30mg of zinc, both of which are felt to raise cellular uptake of cesium.
It's worth quoting Dr Brewer;
Dr. Brewer,, A. K. The high pH therapy for cancer tests on mice and humans. PHARMACOL BIOCHEM BEHAV 21: Suppl. 1, 1-5. 1984.---Mass spectrographic and isotope studies have shown that potassium, rubidium, and especially cesium are most efficiently taken up by cancer cells. This uptake was enhanced by Vitamins A and C as well as salts of zinc and selenium. The quantity of cesium taken up was sufficient to raise the cell to the 8 pH range. Where cell mitosis ceases and the life of the cell is short. Tests on mice fed cesium and rubidium showed marked shrinkage in the tumor masses within 2 weeks. In addition, the mice showed none of the side effects of cancer. Tests have been carried out on over 30 humans. [Please note: these tests were not conducted by Dr. Brewer.] In each case the tumor masses disappeared. Also all pains and effects associated with cancer disappeared within 12 to 36 hr; the more chemotherapy and morphine the patient had taken, the longer the withdrawal period. Studies of the food intake in areas where the incidences of cancer are very low showed that it met the requirements for the high pH therapy.