Weight Loss Made Easy
Are you thinking "whatever" or "what does he mean, easy?" Weight loss can be easy, inasmuch as when you do it well, you should not be hungry; you do not need to feel deprived.
OK- that is the 'easy' part. It is important to feel satisfied, and not to feel like you are hungry most of the time.
If you are hungry much of the time, weight loss is likely to be yours, but; sooner or later, the dam is going to burst. You will lose it, or "snap", and then entire bags of cookies or large pizzas tend to go missing.
So, how do you lose weight, and also not feel hungry? In short, by getting enough protein,water, and fibre throughout the day, at the right times.
There are simple and very effective things you can do to help lose fat, some of which are really powerful, that few people do. Read on to see the proven effective things I do with people that really work; and by the way if you want personalised coaching and instruction from people with a proven track record in weight loss and health, you can always contact me (Anthony Di Pasquale 647.830.0425 or Andrea Lombardi, the very knowledgeable ketone queen who I briefly had the pleasure to work with and learn from, twitter https://twitter.com/crowd_it_out_?lang=en or the farmer fat guy/ diet guru Tony Vassallo (modaweightloss.ca).
Watch my video about weight loss and breakfast on youtube!
Are you thinking "whatever" or "what does he mean, easy?" Weight loss can be easy, inasmuch as when you do it well, you should not be hungry; you do not need to feel deprived.
OK- that is the 'easy' part. It is important to feel satisfied, and not to feel like you are hungry most of the time.
If you are hungry much of the time, weight loss is likely to be yours, but; sooner or later, the dam is going to burst. You will lose it, or "snap", and then entire bags of cookies or large pizzas tend to go missing.
So, how do you lose weight, and also not feel hungry? In short, by getting enough protein,water, and fibre throughout the day, at the right times.
There are simple and very effective things you can do to help lose fat, some of which are really powerful, that few people do. Read on to see the proven effective things I do with people that really work; and by the way if you want personalised coaching and instruction from people with a proven track record in weight loss and health, you can always contact me (Anthony Di Pasquale 647.830.0425 or Andrea Lombardi, the very knowledgeable ketone queen who I briefly had the pleasure to work with and learn from, twitter https://twitter.com/crowd_it_out_?lang=en or the farmer fat guy/ diet guru Tony Vassallo (modaweightloss.ca).
Watch my video about weight loss and breakfast on youtube!

NO Wheaties, Fruit Loops, or **Corn Flakes!
You need protein in the morning. Your morning protein is more important than your dinner protein, because it wakes up your metabolism (1), and steadies your energy production for the next few hours.
Try a protein shake, eggs, even beans and toast. Cheese, nuts and seeds, and raw nut butters are also a good choice. A nutritionist can help determine which protein choices are best for your individual needs. Pure unsweetened whey proteins are good, or fermented vegan protein by Genuine Health is a high quality choice too. In addition to the protein, eat some (but not too much!) healthy carbohydrates, if you want or need a bigger breakfast; fresh fruit (no juice), oatmeal/ red river cereal, whole grain bread. See the carbohydrate section on this page for more on carbs. Here again, a Nutritionist can help customise your carb for your needs.
I prefer real food for my protein sources over protein powders, overall.
Eating protein in the morning means a faster metabolism, for the rest of the day. And that equals more fat burning! Yay!
**In regards to cold cereal- leave that stuff on the shelf! Read some scandalous research, described at length by Susan Fallon, on the Weston A.Price website, and you will know how terrible ALL cold cereal is, for metabolism, and general health. And yes, that includes your whole grain, organic cereal. The ugly truth is, extrusion, and ultra high temp./ pressure processing is how all cold cereals are made, which plasticizes proteins and carbohydrates, rendering them toxic to our systems! Remember, junk gets stored; good food gets burned! Bottom line- all cold cereals suck!
Before Breakfast, and All Day
Before your breakfast, drink plenty of water- as soon as you wake up is a good time. This will prime your digestion, and fat burning. Ideally warm, as in some herbal tea diluted with water. The body needs water to burn fat, because humans and all other animals burn fat by hydrolysis. That means “cutting with water”, because, for those with a biochemistry background will know, we cleave molecules like fat using several molecules of water. Less water intake means less fat burning in your body, or on a more positive note, you actually burn more fat when you are well hydrated (have plenty of water in your system).(2) A good amount of water intake would be 2 litres per day for a smaller person, and around 3 litres for larger people. Add more for exercising or hot weather. And no, coffee and regular tea do not count. Herbal teas do.
You need protein in the morning. Your morning protein is more important than your dinner protein, because it wakes up your metabolism (1), and steadies your energy production for the next few hours.
Try a protein shake, eggs, even beans and toast. Cheese, nuts and seeds, and raw nut butters are also a good choice. A nutritionist can help determine which protein choices are best for your individual needs. Pure unsweetened whey proteins are good, or fermented vegan protein by Genuine Health is a high quality choice too. In addition to the protein, eat some (but not too much!) healthy carbohydrates, if you want or need a bigger breakfast; fresh fruit (no juice), oatmeal/ red river cereal, whole grain bread. See the carbohydrate section on this page for more on carbs. Here again, a Nutritionist can help customise your carb for your needs.
I prefer real food for my protein sources over protein powders, overall.
Eating protein in the morning means a faster metabolism, for the rest of the day. And that equals more fat burning! Yay!
**In regards to cold cereal- leave that stuff on the shelf! Read some scandalous research, described at length by Susan Fallon, on the Weston A.Price website, and you will know how terrible ALL cold cereal is, for metabolism, and general health. And yes, that includes your whole grain, organic cereal. The ugly truth is, extrusion, and ultra high temp./ pressure processing is how all cold cereals are made, which plasticizes proteins and carbohydrates, rendering them toxic to our systems! Remember, junk gets stored; good food gets burned! Bottom line- all cold cereals suck!
Before Breakfast, and All Day
Before your breakfast, drink plenty of water- as soon as you wake up is a good time. This will prime your digestion, and fat burning. Ideally warm, as in some herbal tea diluted with water. The body needs water to burn fat, because humans and all other animals burn fat by hydrolysis. That means “cutting with water”, because, for those with a biochemistry background will know, we cleave molecules like fat using several molecules of water. Less water intake means less fat burning in your body, or on a more positive note, you actually burn more fat when you are well hydrated (have plenty of water in your system).(2) A good amount of water intake would be 2 litres per day for a smaller person, and around 3 litres for larger people. Add more for exercising or hot weather. And no, coffee and regular tea do not count. Herbal teas do.

Exercise is the most powerful way to aid fat loss. There are a lot of activities to choose from that will help; any activity, from tai chi to wood chopping, to walking helps. What helps the most? Weightlifting is the fastest fat burner I know of (3), both from research and from my experience with many clients. Adding weight training to other activities greatly aids fat loss, versus doing the other activities alone (4).
By the way, women; you will not get big muscles from lifting weights! I have had many satisfied female training clients who became smaller, denser, and harder, while losing fat from their belly, butt, and thighs. For those who struggle with disordered eating, we see in the research that you need a personal trainer, much more than social work or psychotherapy (5). In one well designed and surprising study, young women with Anorexia Nervosa, or Bulemia, had the most improvement when working with a personal trainer! Women working with the other-listed professionals had inferior results. Now, working with myself, you can get the benefit of personal training AND a great nutritionist.
Eating Fat?
Leave the healthy fats in your diet; eating good fats enhances fat metabolism a number of ways. Bad fats like rancid oils (in chips, fries, other fried foods, and all margarines), and trans fats (in commercially deep-fried foods, chips, vegetable shortenings, and some margarines) are the worst offenders for fat metabolism (6).
Omega 3 fats, the healthiest of which are found in fish, raw hemp seeds, and raw hemp oil, are beneficial for fat loss. Eating them improves your fat metabolism, so go nuts! Actually all raw nuts contain healthy fats, vitamins, and phytosterols, which have many strong health benefits. Always include them, in any fat loss plan. Roasted nuts and seeds are ok , but do try and include raw ones as well. Almonds cashews pecans and walnuts are all fantastic raw as well. Flax meal is a great fat loss aid, because it provides omega 3 fats, as well as loads of fibre.
Coconut oil is an incredibly healthy oil- great for high temperature cooking (it is chemically stable, unlike most other fats), and it boosts fat metabolism, as well as thyroid function. Coconut oil uniquely promotes fat burning! Just ask my friend Mike P. who went from smooth to ripped in 2 months, following most of the advice here, and eating a lot of coconut oil, almost every day! Get some virgin or at least unrefined coconut oil, and include 1-3 tablespoons per day into your diet. It can be melted onto hot food, just like butter. I repeat, coconut oil boosts fat metabolism, more than any other fat I know! click here for some coconut fat burning research
Fibre is a well, well proven fat loss aid, both dietary fibre and supplement fibre, like flax meal, or psyllium fibre. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as beans and nuts to get fibre into your diet.
AYURVEDA and weight loss; see the Ayurvedic eating page,on this website, for more specific tips, for Your individual body!
Exercise is the most powerful way to aid fat loss. There are a lot of activities to choose from that will help; any activity, from tai chi to wood chopping, to walking helps. What helps the most? Weightlifting is the fastest fat burner I know of (3), both from research and from my experience with many clients. Adding weight training to other activities greatly aids fat loss, versus doing the other activities alone (4).
By the way, women; you will not get big muscles from lifting weights! I have had many satisfied female training clients who became smaller, denser, and harder, while losing fat from their belly, butt, and thighs. For those who struggle with disordered eating, we see in the research that you need a personal trainer, much more than social work or psychotherapy (5). In one well designed and surprising study, young women with Anorexia Nervosa, or Bulemia, had the most improvement when working with a personal trainer! Women working with the other-listed professionals had inferior results. Now, working with myself, you can get the benefit of personal training AND a great nutritionist.
Eating Fat?
Leave the healthy fats in your diet; eating good fats enhances fat metabolism a number of ways. Bad fats like rancid oils (in chips, fries, other fried foods, and all margarines), and trans fats (in commercially deep-fried foods, chips, vegetable shortenings, and some margarines) are the worst offenders for fat metabolism (6).
Omega 3 fats, the healthiest of which are found in fish, raw hemp seeds, and raw hemp oil, are beneficial for fat loss. Eating them improves your fat metabolism, so go nuts! Actually all raw nuts contain healthy fats, vitamins, and phytosterols, which have many strong health benefits. Always include them, in any fat loss plan. Roasted nuts and seeds are ok , but do try and include raw ones as well. Almonds cashews pecans and walnuts are all fantastic raw as well. Flax meal is a great fat loss aid, because it provides omega 3 fats, as well as loads of fibre.
Coconut oil is an incredibly healthy oil- great for high temperature cooking (it is chemically stable, unlike most other fats), and it boosts fat metabolism, as well as thyroid function. Coconut oil uniquely promotes fat burning! Just ask my friend Mike P. who went from smooth to ripped in 2 months, following most of the advice here, and eating a lot of coconut oil, almost every day! Get some virgin or at least unrefined coconut oil, and include 1-3 tablespoons per day into your diet. It can be melted onto hot food, just like butter. I repeat, coconut oil boosts fat metabolism, more than any other fat I know! click here for some coconut fat burning research
Fibre is a well, well proven fat loss aid, both dietary fibre and supplement fibre, like flax meal, or psyllium fibre. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as beans and nuts to get fibre into your diet.
AYURVEDA and weight loss; see the Ayurvedic eating page,on this website, for more specific tips, for Your individual body!

Fruits and Vegetables
More fruits and veggies means leaner bodies. This is the proven trend. For fat loss, I do advise eating fresh fruits, and fresh or cooked vegetables. No juice. And no dried fruit. All of my clients who have successfully lost fat and kept it off have eaten generous amounts of fruits and vegetables.
What this proves is that ‘good’ carbohydrates are fine. ‘Bad’ carbohydrates are not. What about bread? Yes you can eat bread, BUT it MUST BE 100% sprouted if you are wanting to lose weight. Only two brands I have ever seen that make 100% sprouted bread (wow does it ever taste different and good!) One is EarthSeed, in Canada, and Manna bread, in the USA. Both are widely available here, in health food stores, usually in the freezer.
Bad, Bad Carbs
White bread, ‘multi grain’ bread (usually mostly white), pasta, and white rice are not good. Sugar; in desserts, candy junk food, and pop, is worse. Women usually need to limit their grains, to lose fat well. All my female clients have done well eating fresh fruit, but even good whole grains, like brown rice, and whole grain bread (not multi grain) need to be restricted, to perhaps 1-3 servings a day, or less, depending on the individual. Somewhere along the line, we became 'sold' on carbs. Carbohydrates are the least important nutrient, much less important than proteins, and healthy fats. Fats are so important, that I have an entire section dedicated to them. Do not go low fat- just consume good fats. See my page, 'Fat; the Truth' for details. See an experienced Nutritionist (like me!) or a nutrition-specialised Naturopath for a more fine-tuned plan. Men usually do really well on a good carbohydrate plan; they can usually eat as much good carbs as they like, as long as the bad carbs listed above are cut out.
THE most diet-killing carb is high fructose corn syrup. High fructose corn syrup is found in many places you might not expect, like some sprots drinks (what a JOKE) and even Nutri-Grain bars. High fructose corn syrup is a sure way to put fat on, raise insulin, and set yourself up for diabetes type II, as well as hypertension and high cholesterol! Avoid this stuff at all costs! In rodent research, high fructose diets are a guarantee of fat gain, and eventual diabetes. Almost all pop in North America is sweetened with this killer carb, a byproduct of the insane economics of heavy American corn subsidies, which are killing us with high fructose corn syrup, and killing traditional Mexican farmers with unnatural, depressed world corn prices.
Detoxification is a powerful tool for fat loss. Any and all detoxification methods that work will end up improving your fat metabolism, and leanness (and your total health)! If losing fat is what you want, I would strongly recommend cleansing your liver first. The liver is central to your ability to burn fat well, and to have a good metabolism!
Check out just some of the ways your liver helps;
Your liver activates thyroid hormones.
It makes your blood albumin, which nourishes all your muscles (and more muscle mass= higher metabolic rate).
Your liver also steadies your blood glucose, which helps insulin to work properly, which minimises insulin driven fat gain.
It also makes IGF-1, a powerful fat loss hormone. If IGF-1 was a car, it would be a 1000hp, barely legal street rod. So, cleanse your liver, already!
More detox can be done when you wish, on your own schedule. Check my detox recipes (on this very site!), and any other sources, as well. Ideally you would be supervised by a clued-in health practitioner, but you can also do excellent cleanse work on your own.
---side note--- I just listened to these two nutritionist folks on the web, and wow- they are bang-on. Listen to their free speech if you like at thedietsolutionprogram.com/BurnFat.aspx
BTW I don't know these guys- I just liked their speech and their info. It's nice to see other successful nutritionists who see the light about scams versus truth in nutrition. I said before I don't sell any products- and I don't get any kick backs from anyone- I just like what these guys have to say- whether or not you purchase their cheap but good program is no skin off my back- but do take a free listen to their explanations about carbs, fats, "health" and "diet" foods.
FASTING is a useful form of detox and research I have seen shows that fasting burns fat while keeping muscle! That is an amazing finding especially since the people studied did not exercise. The research was performed with pure water fasting, every other day for a month. Which is pretty rough, I'll admit. Fasting does raise growth hormone in the body massively! And growth hormone helps explain the keeping of muscle and burning of fat, since it is a profound fat burner and natural muscle builder.
Personally, I fast 1 or 2 days per week and take clay and fibre (psyllium), both of which just about kill appetite, making fasting so much easier. They aid detox and so make the fasting not only easier but more effective.
More fruits and veggies means leaner bodies. This is the proven trend. For fat loss, I do advise eating fresh fruits, and fresh or cooked vegetables. No juice. And no dried fruit. All of my clients who have successfully lost fat and kept it off have eaten generous amounts of fruits and vegetables.
What this proves is that ‘good’ carbohydrates are fine. ‘Bad’ carbohydrates are not. What about bread? Yes you can eat bread, BUT it MUST BE 100% sprouted if you are wanting to lose weight. Only two brands I have ever seen that make 100% sprouted bread (wow does it ever taste different and good!) One is EarthSeed, in Canada, and Manna bread, in the USA. Both are widely available here, in health food stores, usually in the freezer.
Bad, Bad Carbs
White bread, ‘multi grain’ bread (usually mostly white), pasta, and white rice are not good. Sugar; in desserts, candy junk food, and pop, is worse. Women usually need to limit their grains, to lose fat well. All my female clients have done well eating fresh fruit, but even good whole grains, like brown rice, and whole grain bread (not multi grain) need to be restricted, to perhaps 1-3 servings a day, or less, depending on the individual. Somewhere along the line, we became 'sold' on carbs. Carbohydrates are the least important nutrient, much less important than proteins, and healthy fats. Fats are so important, that I have an entire section dedicated to them. Do not go low fat- just consume good fats. See my page, 'Fat; the Truth' for details. See an experienced Nutritionist (like me!) or a nutrition-specialised Naturopath for a more fine-tuned plan. Men usually do really well on a good carbohydrate plan; they can usually eat as much good carbs as they like, as long as the bad carbs listed above are cut out.
THE most diet-killing carb is high fructose corn syrup. High fructose corn syrup is found in many places you might not expect, like some sprots drinks (what a JOKE) and even Nutri-Grain bars. High fructose corn syrup is a sure way to put fat on, raise insulin, and set yourself up for diabetes type II, as well as hypertension and high cholesterol! Avoid this stuff at all costs! In rodent research, high fructose diets are a guarantee of fat gain, and eventual diabetes. Almost all pop in North America is sweetened with this killer carb, a byproduct of the insane economics of heavy American corn subsidies, which are killing us with high fructose corn syrup, and killing traditional Mexican farmers with unnatural, depressed world corn prices.
Detoxification is a powerful tool for fat loss. Any and all detoxification methods that work will end up improving your fat metabolism, and leanness (and your total health)! If losing fat is what you want, I would strongly recommend cleansing your liver first. The liver is central to your ability to burn fat well, and to have a good metabolism!
Check out just some of the ways your liver helps;
Your liver activates thyroid hormones.
It makes your blood albumin, which nourishes all your muscles (and more muscle mass= higher metabolic rate).
Your liver also steadies your blood glucose, which helps insulin to work properly, which minimises insulin driven fat gain.
It also makes IGF-1, a powerful fat loss hormone. If IGF-1 was a car, it would be a 1000hp, barely legal street rod. So, cleanse your liver, already!
More detox can be done when you wish, on your own schedule. Check my detox recipes (on this very site!), and any other sources, as well. Ideally you would be supervised by a clued-in health practitioner, but you can also do excellent cleanse work on your own.
---side note--- I just listened to these two nutritionist folks on the web, and wow- they are bang-on. Listen to their free speech if you like at thedietsolutionprogram.com/BurnFat.aspx
BTW I don't know these guys- I just liked their speech and their info. It's nice to see other successful nutritionists who see the light about scams versus truth in nutrition. I said before I don't sell any products- and I don't get any kick backs from anyone- I just like what these guys have to say- whether or not you purchase their cheap but good program is no skin off my back- but do take a free listen to their explanations about carbs, fats, "health" and "diet" foods.
FASTING is a useful form of detox and research I have seen shows that fasting burns fat while keeping muscle! That is an amazing finding especially since the people studied did not exercise. The research was performed with pure water fasting, every other day for a month. Which is pretty rough, I'll admit. Fasting does raise growth hormone in the body massively! And growth hormone helps explain the keeping of muscle and burning of fat, since it is a profound fat burner and natural muscle builder.
Personally, I fast 1 or 2 days per week and take clay and fibre (psyllium), both of which just about kill appetite, making fasting so much easier. They aid detox and so make the fasting not only easier but more effective.

Sleep your Way to Leanness
We all know about cortisol- THE major stress hormone. Believe me, when I say you want it as low as possible!
High levels of cortisol increase body fat, especially stomach area fat and wreck insulin metabolism, setting you up for heart attacks, diabetes, and hypertension. So, where does sleep fit in? Sleep is the enemy of evil cortisol- sleep is the good guy. The earlier you go to sleep, the better you sleep, and the longer you sleep, the lower your cortisol will be. And the leaner you will be!
Now, I know what you're saying-
"going to bed early will mess up my social life."
Well, being diabetic, overweight, or even dead can really mess with your social life, too, to quote "Lights Out", a great, thoroughly researched sleep book, by T.S. Wiley.
Sleep early, sleep long hours and even nap, as much as you can get away with.
The earlier you go to sleep, the better you sleep, and the longer you sleep, the lower your cortisol will be.
Things that have helped me and others to sleep include 500mg magnesium citrate before bed. BTW, magnesium lowers cortisol levels, in humans, and is my favourite mineral, to boot. Another sleep aid (Mag always comes first, and I take it no matter what), is 5-HTP; found in health stores. If you are prone to anxiety, you are going to like this one. Human trials find 5-HTP to be a great anti-depressant, which also cuts carb cravings, and aids sleep. And it is 100% natural and safe! I bet big pharma is not pleased with 5HTP sales. By now, you know how I feel about big pharma, or more accurately; big lying, killing, propagandising pharma.
EFT is the latest thing I have tried to deepen my sleep quality - WOW my first night was a pleasant surprise; did it ever work well, better than I had expected! The nice thing about EFT (emotional freedom technique) is that you do it yourself, and you can use it for almost any physical or mental area you'd like to improve. There is EFT how-to information all over the net- I personally like Dr Joseph Mercola's coaching and descriptions of it.
Do NOT EAT artificial Sweeteners Did you know . . .
a) Human research shows increased appetite and weight gain from eating artificial sweeteners?
b) That aspartame has the most reported adverse reactions of any food additive in the US FDA database?
c) That Donald Rumsfeld, who later went on to specialise in killing people in the Middle East, did his part to kill Americans and Canadians by pushing Aspartame through the FDA approval process? Google Rumsfeld and Aspartame, for this sad story of power abuse. Actually, better to use Bing or Duckduckgo rather than Google, which is becoming increasingly censored.
d) That Splenda and Acesulfame are also really toxic?
Stop chewing gum, as 99% of it has artificial sweeteners, so not only does it POISON your nervous system, it PROMOTES APPETITE. Chew a cinnamon stick or licorice stick, or if you don't want to look like a hick, chew gum that has no toxic sweeteners, found in your local health food store.
The Healthy Alternative- Stevia
Stevia is a medicinal herb with a long history of use in traditional South American medicine. Some excellent research has shown it to be beneficial for lowering insulin, which always helps fat loss, btw. It is a very sweet herb, with almost no calories! Look for it in your neighbourhood health store- it is available in packets, powder, and liquid. My Dad prefers the "Bio Quest Stevina" brand, which I keep him supplied with, otherwise he may slip into his old bad habit of using toxic chemical sweeteners!
As for me, I use raw honey, because calories are my friends! I think raw honey is a healthy sweetener, but definitely not low calorie. I also use blackstrap molasses, which is quite nice stirred into yogourt. Blackstrap molasses is by far the healthiest type of molasses- it is lower in sugar, and much higher in vitamins and minerals than other molasses types.
the Bottom Line ...
To lose fat, eat lots of fibre, focus on the ‘good’ carbohydrates, eat protein frequently, exercise(!!) detox, sleep enough, and well, and consult with me, if you would like the benefits of personalised counsel.
Not me, but Tony Vassallo, a colleague who has a lot of "street cred" since he really was formerly fat. He goes way beyond how to eat with his clients, teaching how to shop, cook, plan and eat - a true all-around coach for those who want to take a big step in the right direction for their weight. He has much experience, especially with men, showing the way and walking with people on their path of gaining a healthy bodyweight. His site is modaweightloss.ca
Cook - if you don't know how, learn!
Speaking of cooking, besides Tony Vassalo, who's excellent, there is another guy, Jordan Swartz, a nutritionist and cooking specialist, who gives solo and group cooking classes. His website is jordanswartz.com.
Women over 40 - Hormones Really Help
An interesting case study, shared by a client; a friend of hers hit 40 and started gaining weight. nothing unusual there, you might say. It was, though, because she had been eating well, and exercising for a long time, and nothing changed in her routine at 40. But her weight started going up- all new fat weight. So she started eating better, and training harder. No dice. Nothing changed, except the scale kept creeping up. So she stopped exercising, having lost her motivation to do so. if exercising wasn‘t working, then why do it? This story does end well- don‘t worry...
A short while later, this friend decided to try bio-identical hormone replacement, for overall health. Bio-identical hormone replacement is offered by some MD`s, but not many. It involves the use of bio-identical progesterone, estrogen and perhaps also DHEA, all administered as a cream that allows absorption though the skin. Standard HRT, used by most MD`s involves synthetic analogues of hormones that are not bio-identical, and contribute to cancer risk and toxin load, since they are seen as foreign and therefore treated as a toxin by the body.
This lady started shedding fat, and quickly, without exercising! Nor did she change her diet. Once she saw that her body was `cooperating`, she felt motivated to eat better and start exercising again, to further improve her health and her looks.
If you`d like to try bio-identical HRT, ask your doctor, who will most likely be clueless about it, but try- you may luck out. You may need to search for another MD to support you in being on the right indi=vidualised bio-identical HRT program for you, which means testing your hormone levels in an ongoing way, and adjusting your bio-identical hormone prescription accordingly. The cream itself is made up at a compounding pharmacy, on the prescription of your doctor.
Supplements; some good, some mediocre or useless, some harmful
Chromium - yes, a positive vote from me. I would definitely recommend the yeast based form, 500mcg by Swiss, retailing for about $6. I take it! If you are a yeast phobe, there's a similarly priced 500mcg one by Natural Factors. Cr is an essential mineral, and many Canadians are deficient. take it, and watch sugar cravings and your waistline reduce : )
HCA (hydroxy citric acid) a useful ingredient from a citrus fruit, garcinia cambogia which tends to cause a slow, but steady and ongoing fat loss in long term users. Men may want to avoid this one, as some animal research showed negative effects on testicular function.
Fibre - a definite yes on this one. just avoid Metamucil with it's high sugar content (sugar is very fattening) and also avoid the low cal Metamucil loaded with artificial sweeteners (which are also fattening). Stick to a health store for fibre supplements, in pill or powder form.
Green tea - moderate fat burning. On the wimpy side, but is not harmful.
Green coffee beans - promoted by Dr Oz (I ask, what is a former heart surgeon with little to no formal training in nutrition doing talking about nutrition? It kind of blows my mind. A TTC bus driver is just about as qualified as a heart surgeon to speak about nutrition; they both have little to no training on the subject) oops I ranted again! Again a moderate fat burner, possibly slightly better than green tea. I wouldn't buy it though, if I were chubby.
Raspberry ketones, African mango, and other scam-of-the-moment products. Come on, really? I'm not even going to comment. If you want to spend some cash, get a trainer or take a class and lift some weights!
PS for more information on weight loss and many other health matters, order my new book - see the top menu on my site for ordering instructions.
1. Halton T.L., Hu F.B. The effects of high protein diets on thermogenesis, satiety and weight loss: a critical review. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 2004; 23(5):373-85.
2. Bilz S, Ninnis R, Keller U. Effects of hypoosmolality on whole-body lipolysis in man. Metabolism. 1999; 48(4):472-6
3. William J. Banz, Margaret A. Maher, Warren G. Thompson, David R. Bassett, Wayne Moore, Muhammad Ashraf, Daniel J. Keefer and Michael B. Zemel Effects of Resistance versus Aerobic Training on Coronary Artery Disease Risk Factors Experimental Biology and Medicine 2003; 228:434-440
4. Park S.K., Park J.H., Kwon Y.C., Kim H.S., Yoon M.S., Park H.T. The effect of combined aerobic and resistance exercise training on abdominal fat in obese middle-aged women. Journal of Physiological and Anthropological Applied Human Sciences. 2003; 22(3):129-35.
5. Sundgot-Borgen J., Rosenvinge J.H., Bahr R., Schneider L.S.The effect of exercise, cognitive therapy, and nutritional counseling in treating bulimia nervosa.Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2002; 34(2):190-5
6. London S.J., Sacks F.M., Caesar J., Stampfer M.J., Siguel E., Willett W.C. Fatty acid composition of subcutaneous adipose tissue and diet in postmenopausal US women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 1991; 54(2):340-5 and BTW ...
I can't believe how bad this crap is! I mean eating cat food or junk food out of a garbage bin would be healthier and more effective for weight loss! Steer clear of multi-level marketing products like this- they are way overpriced, and made with low quality, cheap ingredients, keeping their profit margins high, and your health low. Where do I start? Their weight loss shake has soy protein as a first ingredient. Garbage! Cheap! Allergenic, poorly digested. The ONLY soy I recommend is fermented, organic. This stuff is probably GMO,like much of our Godless soy crop. Second ingredient; fructose. Hello! This is the most diabetes-inducing refined sugar they could possibly use! If this shake helps you lose weight, then a nice Mars bar instead of dinner would do just as well. Also included is canola oil. To understand how despicable canola oil marketing claims are, please see my fat page, on this site.
We all know about cortisol- THE major stress hormone. Believe me, when I say you want it as low as possible!
High levels of cortisol increase body fat, especially stomach area fat and wreck insulin metabolism, setting you up for heart attacks, diabetes, and hypertension. So, where does sleep fit in? Sleep is the enemy of evil cortisol- sleep is the good guy. The earlier you go to sleep, the better you sleep, and the longer you sleep, the lower your cortisol will be. And the leaner you will be!
Now, I know what you're saying-
"going to bed early will mess up my social life."
Well, being diabetic, overweight, or even dead can really mess with your social life, too, to quote "Lights Out", a great, thoroughly researched sleep book, by T.S. Wiley.
Sleep early, sleep long hours and even nap, as much as you can get away with.
The earlier you go to sleep, the better you sleep, and the longer you sleep, the lower your cortisol will be.
Things that have helped me and others to sleep include 500mg magnesium citrate before bed. BTW, magnesium lowers cortisol levels, in humans, and is my favourite mineral, to boot. Another sleep aid (Mag always comes first, and I take it no matter what), is 5-HTP; found in health stores. If you are prone to anxiety, you are going to like this one. Human trials find 5-HTP to be a great anti-depressant, which also cuts carb cravings, and aids sleep. And it is 100% natural and safe! I bet big pharma is not pleased with 5HTP sales. By now, you know how I feel about big pharma, or more accurately; big lying, killing, propagandising pharma.
EFT is the latest thing I have tried to deepen my sleep quality - WOW my first night was a pleasant surprise; did it ever work well, better than I had expected! The nice thing about EFT (emotional freedom technique) is that you do it yourself, and you can use it for almost any physical or mental area you'd like to improve. There is EFT how-to information all over the net- I personally like Dr Joseph Mercola's coaching and descriptions of it.
Do NOT EAT artificial Sweeteners Did you know . . .
a) Human research shows increased appetite and weight gain from eating artificial sweeteners?
b) That aspartame has the most reported adverse reactions of any food additive in the US FDA database?
c) That Donald Rumsfeld, who later went on to specialise in killing people in the Middle East, did his part to kill Americans and Canadians by pushing Aspartame through the FDA approval process? Google Rumsfeld and Aspartame, for this sad story of power abuse. Actually, better to use Bing or Duckduckgo rather than Google, which is becoming increasingly censored.
d) That Splenda and Acesulfame are also really toxic?
Stop chewing gum, as 99% of it has artificial sweeteners, so not only does it POISON your nervous system, it PROMOTES APPETITE. Chew a cinnamon stick or licorice stick, or if you don't want to look like a hick, chew gum that has no toxic sweeteners, found in your local health food store.
The Healthy Alternative- Stevia
Stevia is a medicinal herb with a long history of use in traditional South American medicine. Some excellent research has shown it to be beneficial for lowering insulin, which always helps fat loss, btw. It is a very sweet herb, with almost no calories! Look for it in your neighbourhood health store- it is available in packets, powder, and liquid. My Dad prefers the "Bio Quest Stevina" brand, which I keep him supplied with, otherwise he may slip into his old bad habit of using toxic chemical sweeteners!
As for me, I use raw honey, because calories are my friends! I think raw honey is a healthy sweetener, but definitely not low calorie. I also use blackstrap molasses, which is quite nice stirred into yogourt. Blackstrap molasses is by far the healthiest type of molasses- it is lower in sugar, and much higher in vitamins and minerals than other molasses types.
the Bottom Line ...
To lose fat, eat lots of fibre, focus on the ‘good’ carbohydrates, eat protein frequently, exercise(!!) detox, sleep enough, and well, and consult with me, if you would like the benefits of personalised counsel.
Not me, but Tony Vassallo, a colleague who has a lot of "street cred" since he really was formerly fat. He goes way beyond how to eat with his clients, teaching how to shop, cook, plan and eat - a true all-around coach for those who want to take a big step in the right direction for their weight. He has much experience, especially with men, showing the way and walking with people on their path of gaining a healthy bodyweight. His site is modaweightloss.ca
Cook - if you don't know how, learn!
Speaking of cooking, besides Tony Vassalo, who's excellent, there is another guy, Jordan Swartz, a nutritionist and cooking specialist, who gives solo and group cooking classes. His website is jordanswartz.com.
Women over 40 - Hormones Really Help
An interesting case study, shared by a client; a friend of hers hit 40 and started gaining weight. nothing unusual there, you might say. It was, though, because she had been eating well, and exercising for a long time, and nothing changed in her routine at 40. But her weight started going up- all new fat weight. So she started eating better, and training harder. No dice. Nothing changed, except the scale kept creeping up. So she stopped exercising, having lost her motivation to do so. if exercising wasn‘t working, then why do it? This story does end well- don‘t worry...
A short while later, this friend decided to try bio-identical hormone replacement, for overall health. Bio-identical hormone replacement is offered by some MD`s, but not many. It involves the use of bio-identical progesterone, estrogen and perhaps also DHEA, all administered as a cream that allows absorption though the skin. Standard HRT, used by most MD`s involves synthetic analogues of hormones that are not bio-identical, and contribute to cancer risk and toxin load, since they are seen as foreign and therefore treated as a toxin by the body.
This lady started shedding fat, and quickly, without exercising! Nor did she change her diet. Once she saw that her body was `cooperating`, she felt motivated to eat better and start exercising again, to further improve her health and her looks.
If you`d like to try bio-identical HRT, ask your doctor, who will most likely be clueless about it, but try- you may luck out. You may need to search for another MD to support you in being on the right indi=vidualised bio-identical HRT program for you, which means testing your hormone levels in an ongoing way, and adjusting your bio-identical hormone prescription accordingly. The cream itself is made up at a compounding pharmacy, on the prescription of your doctor.
Supplements; some good, some mediocre or useless, some harmful
Chromium - yes, a positive vote from me. I would definitely recommend the yeast based form, 500mcg by Swiss, retailing for about $6. I take it! If you are a yeast phobe, there's a similarly priced 500mcg one by Natural Factors. Cr is an essential mineral, and many Canadians are deficient. take it, and watch sugar cravings and your waistline reduce : )
HCA (hydroxy citric acid) a useful ingredient from a citrus fruit, garcinia cambogia which tends to cause a slow, but steady and ongoing fat loss in long term users. Men may want to avoid this one, as some animal research showed negative effects on testicular function.
Fibre - a definite yes on this one. just avoid Metamucil with it's high sugar content (sugar is very fattening) and also avoid the low cal Metamucil loaded with artificial sweeteners (which are also fattening). Stick to a health store for fibre supplements, in pill or powder form.
Green tea - moderate fat burning. On the wimpy side, but is not harmful.
Green coffee beans - promoted by Dr Oz (I ask, what is a former heart surgeon with little to no formal training in nutrition doing talking about nutrition? It kind of blows my mind. A TTC bus driver is just about as qualified as a heart surgeon to speak about nutrition; they both have little to no training on the subject) oops I ranted again! Again a moderate fat burner, possibly slightly better than green tea. I wouldn't buy it though, if I were chubby.
Raspberry ketones, African mango, and other scam-of-the-moment products. Come on, really? I'm not even going to comment. If you want to spend some cash, get a trainer or take a class and lift some weights!
PS for more information on weight loss and many other health matters, order my new book - see the top menu on my site for ordering instructions.
1. Halton T.L., Hu F.B. The effects of high protein diets on thermogenesis, satiety and weight loss: a critical review. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 2004; 23(5):373-85.
2. Bilz S, Ninnis R, Keller U. Effects of hypoosmolality on whole-body lipolysis in man. Metabolism. 1999; 48(4):472-6
3. William J. Banz, Margaret A. Maher, Warren G. Thompson, David R. Bassett, Wayne Moore, Muhammad Ashraf, Daniel J. Keefer and Michael B. Zemel Effects of Resistance versus Aerobic Training on Coronary Artery Disease Risk Factors Experimental Biology and Medicine 2003; 228:434-440
4. Park S.K., Park J.H., Kwon Y.C., Kim H.S., Yoon M.S., Park H.T. The effect of combined aerobic and resistance exercise training on abdominal fat in obese middle-aged women. Journal of Physiological and Anthropological Applied Human Sciences. 2003; 22(3):129-35.
5. Sundgot-Borgen J., Rosenvinge J.H., Bahr R., Schneider L.S.The effect of exercise, cognitive therapy, and nutritional counseling in treating bulimia nervosa.Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2002; 34(2):190-5
6. London S.J., Sacks F.M., Caesar J., Stampfer M.J., Siguel E., Willett W.C. Fatty acid composition of subcutaneous adipose tissue and diet in postmenopausal US women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 1991; 54(2):340-5 and BTW ...
I can't believe how bad this crap is! I mean eating cat food or junk food out of a garbage bin would be healthier and more effective for weight loss! Steer clear of multi-level marketing products like this- they are way overpriced, and made with low quality, cheap ingredients, keeping their profit margins high, and your health low. Where do I start? Their weight loss shake has soy protein as a first ingredient. Garbage! Cheap! Allergenic, poorly digested. The ONLY soy I recommend is fermented, organic. This stuff is probably GMO,like much of our Godless soy crop. Second ingredient; fructose. Hello! This is the most diabetes-inducing refined sugar they could possibly use! If this shake helps you lose weight, then a nice Mars bar instead of dinner would do just as well. Also included is canola oil. To understand how despicable canola oil marketing claims are, please see my fat page, on this site.