Allergy Free For Everyone?
Miracle Treatment for Allergies- Pancreatin
Ok, it's not so miraculous, and it is not a cure, but it really really reduces severity of seasonal and food allergies. It even helped a client's friend with a poison ivy reaction that wouldn't go away.
Pancreatin is the stuff. I had a Jewish friend with very bad allergies, and I told him that pancreatin was a pork product, but it would help his allergies like nothing else. And the side effects are all good for us! So, he tried it. In a couple of days he left me a very happy message saying he was 95% better.
The dose I recommended to him was 2-3 tablets as needed, as often as needed. The New Roots brand of pancreatin was the one I had him try. I would definitely recommend stacking it with some extra vitamin C, like 2000- 5000mg per day, since C is a natural antihistamine in higher doses.
Allergies are very common- in fact most people have them, but do not notice the symptoms because they are vague or fairly weak.
So, the average person would improve their health, and those who are struggling with difficult health issues often improve when they reduce the allergenicity of their diet. William Philpott, who did the best, most advanced allergy work I have ever seen, saw that people were allergic to the very foods they ate the most often. That fact, plus evidence from experiments he did with people, led him to conclude that what we eat the most often tends to become an allergen.
"what we eat the most often tends to become an allergen."
Again, so? So people have less than optimum immune competence, and many other possible symptoms- they differ from person to person- they include skin problems of all types, less energy, mood issues, concentration and thinking issues (this is a big one- ADD is part of this), digestion troubles, gut issues, including constipation and diarrhea, and even sinus or inner ear troubles. This list is very partial- there are many more probable health issues that relate to silent, unknown allergies.
As examples, my good friend John Hadzi, who had a brutal case of psoriasis cured himself, partly through a low allergen diet, and food rotation, which further reduces allergenicity cured himself of his bleeding, painful psoriasis. We worked together on designing a good rotation, low allergen diet for him, and in this article, I will share how you can strengthen your health by doing the same!
Now, most skin doctor specialists (Dermatologists) will say that diet is not an issue with psoriasis. They need to go back to school- a real school.
Why the rotation diet? To reduce allergies, and reduce the potential for allergies for us all. Every person benefits from rotating their diet. Think of Mr. Musclehead, with his tuna and/ or chicken breast every day. Bad idea. Think of Jane Vegetarian, with her tofu and soy milk every day. Again, bad idea!
You may be thinking-
a) I have never heard of the rotation diet, and also
b) don't most traditional diets eat a few foods every day? Like corn and beans in Mexico, or bread in Italy, Egypt, Greece, and many other countries.
To answer a), The rotation diet, or eating foods on a rotating basis has positive effects which have been published in research journals starting in the 1930’s, and possibly earlier.
and b) William Philpott found all Asians he tested to be allergic to rice. They just didn't know it! Predictably, he found all Italians were allergic to wheat (think about all the bread and pasta a typical Italian eats- I should know! One month that I spent in Italy I ate pasta every single day, almost every lunch and dinner, even though I ate at several relatives houses! (Note- I LOVE Italy, partly because of my awesome relatives there- I miss you guys!)
To feel the difference, we need at least 3 days off from an allergic food to feel the benefit, and often, even to notice that our health can improve.
Most People accept their vague allergic symptoms as normal- they are not normal, and you can be free of them, even if you do not know at the moment what the symptoms or foods are!
How to 'do' a ROTATION DIET
Here's how you do my modified version, which is easier to do than the standard version. This is the method that the above mentioned John used, in conjunction with detoxing, to rid his body of bleeding psoriasis!
Build 4 different days of food, and follow them in succession, spending 1-3 days on each 'day'. Each 'cycle' of rotation would then be around 6-10 days, in total, before repeating itself.
Day 1 (just an example)- pick a protein; say, beef, lamb, dairy, and a carbohydrate; say, quinoa
Day 2 (just an example)- pick a protein; say, fish, and a carbohydrate; say, rice
Day 3 (just an example)- pick a protein; say, poultry, eggs, and a carbohydrate; say, potatoe
Day 4 (just an example)- pick a protein; say, beans, nuts*,and a carbohydrate; say, wheat, rye, oats,millet, and/or spelt (all one family)
*Nuts and seeds may be eaten every day, if they are rotated; eg cashews, pumpkin seeds, and almonds are in entirely different families, as diverse as a chicken and a sardine. Vegetarians, aspecially vegans, tend to over rely on beans and soy. They must be rotated, for optimal tolerance or benefit. Just ask my friend 'Soy Boy', who developed a full-blown soy allergy. I had told him he needed to take pauses from soy, about a year earlier. See me for more detailed planning for a vegan rotation. It can be done for vegans, with some juggling and rule- stretching.
Each 'day' follows one family of foods. For instance, beef and lamb are in the same family, which also includes deer, elk, moose, and buffaloe. All grains listed on the wheat day are relatives of wheat. Even though wheat is by far the most allergenic grain, oats, rye and spelt are indeed close relatives of wheat.
How I do it
I extend each rotation based on my preference and food availability, leftovers, and other variables. So I spend 1-3 days on each "day", therefore getting through all four "days" takes me usually a week or more. I also add in some vegan and fasting days each week, so actually more like 1.5 to 2 weeks to go through a four day rotation, as it were.
Giving the immune system a break from all foods, on a regular basis, reduces or eliminates most allergies or sensitivities. A very select few allergies will actually become stronger, which is useful, because then they are no longer hidden, and once eliminated, cease to impair health and well being. All foods need to be rotated, that is, eaten alternately with other foods, on a rotating, ongoing basis.
Fruits and Vegetables
they get rotated as well, but in a "loose" rotation- eat certain fruits and veg in abundance for a few days, then switch over to different fruits and veg for a while. Time off needs to be at least 3 days, and preferably more. SO the fruit and veg rotating is happening independently from the rest. You may buy and finish a bag of corrots, then move on to celery and cauliflower. Just keep in mind not to have anything more than a few days in a row. For example, all common salads are in the same family, so have salad for a few days, and then NO SALAD, except "non salad" salads, like shredded celery root, or grated beets, or apple-carrot-ginger-raisin salad, for example.
Finally, also rotate oils- so perhaps finish a bottle of olive oil, then get a bottle of cold pressed sesame oil, then you can go back to the olive, for example.
Detoxification reduces Allergies
It really does! The biggest effects people are reporting from detox and allergy reduction or even elimination is from liver cleansing. the most profound, the best liver cleanse I know of is the liver gall flush. See it here; liver gall flush recipe. It is amazing for energy, overall health and is incomparable; no supplement or herbs of any kind can do what a liver gall flush can do!
Sci-Fi allergy cure?
My cousin way up north told me of some parents he knows (he has 2 munchkins of his own) who's child was deathly allergic to peanuts; even the smell of peanut butter could set off a reaction. Understandably his parents were constantly worried about their child and sought out a solution in the alternative camp. They found a practitioner with an amazing electronic machine that can reprogram the body on an energetic, sort of homeopathic level. This child saw the practitioner a few times and is now eating peanut butter! I mean consider the miracle of extreme sensitivity and now actual consumption is safe!
So I sought out a practitioner in Toronto because heck, I had no troubling allergies, but I am a proactive kind of guy! I found Eileen fauster, a lovely lady in Toronto with such a machine, and she is good! I felt really relaly good after a session, and Eileen did find some imbalances in my body in my endocrine and immune systems which she helped rebalance. I did have a slight sensitivity to peanuts, which in our second visit she balanced, too. Now I can eat peanut butter and digest it easily, whereas before it kind of sat in my stomach like a lump. Yay Eileen! See her here, on my Anthony & Friends page.
Miracle Treatment for Allergies- Pancreatin
Ok, it's not so miraculous, and it is not a cure, but it really really reduces severity of seasonal and food allergies. It even helped a client's friend with a poison ivy reaction that wouldn't go away.
Pancreatin is the stuff. I had a Jewish friend with very bad allergies, and I told him that pancreatin was a pork product, but it would help his allergies like nothing else. And the side effects are all good for us! So, he tried it. In a couple of days he left me a very happy message saying he was 95% better.
The dose I recommended to him was 2-3 tablets as needed, as often as needed. The New Roots brand of pancreatin was the one I had him try. I would definitely recommend stacking it with some extra vitamin C, like 2000- 5000mg per day, since C is a natural antihistamine in higher doses.
Allergies are very common- in fact most people have them, but do not notice the symptoms because they are vague or fairly weak.
So, the average person would improve their health, and those who are struggling with difficult health issues often improve when they reduce the allergenicity of their diet. William Philpott, who did the best, most advanced allergy work I have ever seen, saw that people were allergic to the very foods they ate the most often. That fact, plus evidence from experiments he did with people, led him to conclude that what we eat the most often tends to become an allergen.
"what we eat the most often tends to become an allergen."
Again, so? So people have less than optimum immune competence, and many other possible symptoms- they differ from person to person- they include skin problems of all types, less energy, mood issues, concentration and thinking issues (this is a big one- ADD is part of this), digestion troubles, gut issues, including constipation and diarrhea, and even sinus or inner ear troubles. This list is very partial- there are many more probable health issues that relate to silent, unknown allergies.
As examples, my good friend John Hadzi, who had a brutal case of psoriasis cured himself, partly through a low allergen diet, and food rotation, which further reduces allergenicity cured himself of his bleeding, painful psoriasis. We worked together on designing a good rotation, low allergen diet for him, and in this article, I will share how you can strengthen your health by doing the same!
Now, most skin doctor specialists (Dermatologists) will say that diet is not an issue with psoriasis. They need to go back to school- a real school.
Why the rotation diet? To reduce allergies, and reduce the potential for allergies for us all. Every person benefits from rotating their diet. Think of Mr. Musclehead, with his tuna and/ or chicken breast every day. Bad idea. Think of Jane Vegetarian, with her tofu and soy milk every day. Again, bad idea!
You may be thinking-
a) I have never heard of the rotation diet, and also
b) don't most traditional diets eat a few foods every day? Like corn and beans in Mexico, or bread in Italy, Egypt, Greece, and many other countries.
To answer a), The rotation diet, or eating foods on a rotating basis has positive effects which have been published in research journals starting in the 1930’s, and possibly earlier.
and b) William Philpott found all Asians he tested to be allergic to rice. They just didn't know it! Predictably, he found all Italians were allergic to wheat (think about all the bread and pasta a typical Italian eats- I should know! One month that I spent in Italy I ate pasta every single day, almost every lunch and dinner, even though I ate at several relatives houses! (Note- I LOVE Italy, partly because of my awesome relatives there- I miss you guys!)
To feel the difference, we need at least 3 days off from an allergic food to feel the benefit, and often, even to notice that our health can improve.
Most People accept their vague allergic symptoms as normal- they are not normal, and you can be free of them, even if you do not know at the moment what the symptoms or foods are!
How to 'do' a ROTATION DIET
Here's how you do my modified version, which is easier to do than the standard version. This is the method that the above mentioned John used, in conjunction with detoxing, to rid his body of bleeding psoriasis!
Build 4 different days of food, and follow them in succession, spending 1-3 days on each 'day'. Each 'cycle' of rotation would then be around 6-10 days, in total, before repeating itself.
Day 1 (just an example)- pick a protein; say, beef, lamb, dairy, and a carbohydrate; say, quinoa
Day 2 (just an example)- pick a protein; say, fish, and a carbohydrate; say, rice
Day 3 (just an example)- pick a protein; say, poultry, eggs, and a carbohydrate; say, potatoe
Day 4 (just an example)- pick a protein; say, beans, nuts*,and a carbohydrate; say, wheat, rye, oats,millet, and/or spelt (all one family)
*Nuts and seeds may be eaten every day, if they are rotated; eg cashews, pumpkin seeds, and almonds are in entirely different families, as diverse as a chicken and a sardine. Vegetarians, aspecially vegans, tend to over rely on beans and soy. They must be rotated, for optimal tolerance or benefit. Just ask my friend 'Soy Boy', who developed a full-blown soy allergy. I had told him he needed to take pauses from soy, about a year earlier. See me for more detailed planning for a vegan rotation. It can be done for vegans, with some juggling and rule- stretching.
Each 'day' follows one family of foods. For instance, beef and lamb are in the same family, which also includes deer, elk, moose, and buffaloe. All grains listed on the wheat day are relatives of wheat. Even though wheat is by far the most allergenic grain, oats, rye and spelt are indeed close relatives of wheat.
How I do it
I extend each rotation based on my preference and food availability, leftovers, and other variables. So I spend 1-3 days on each "day", therefore getting through all four "days" takes me usually a week or more. I also add in some vegan and fasting days each week, so actually more like 1.5 to 2 weeks to go through a four day rotation, as it were.
Giving the immune system a break from all foods, on a regular basis, reduces or eliminates most allergies or sensitivities. A very select few allergies will actually become stronger, which is useful, because then they are no longer hidden, and once eliminated, cease to impair health and well being. All foods need to be rotated, that is, eaten alternately with other foods, on a rotating, ongoing basis.
Fruits and Vegetables
they get rotated as well, but in a "loose" rotation- eat certain fruits and veg in abundance for a few days, then switch over to different fruits and veg for a while. Time off needs to be at least 3 days, and preferably more. SO the fruit and veg rotating is happening independently from the rest. You may buy and finish a bag of corrots, then move on to celery and cauliflower. Just keep in mind not to have anything more than a few days in a row. For example, all common salads are in the same family, so have salad for a few days, and then NO SALAD, except "non salad" salads, like shredded celery root, or grated beets, or apple-carrot-ginger-raisin salad, for example.
Finally, also rotate oils- so perhaps finish a bottle of olive oil, then get a bottle of cold pressed sesame oil, then you can go back to the olive, for example.
Detoxification reduces Allergies
It really does! The biggest effects people are reporting from detox and allergy reduction or even elimination is from liver cleansing. the most profound, the best liver cleanse I know of is the liver gall flush. See it here; liver gall flush recipe. It is amazing for energy, overall health and is incomparable; no supplement or herbs of any kind can do what a liver gall flush can do!
Sci-Fi allergy cure?
My cousin way up north told me of some parents he knows (he has 2 munchkins of his own) who's child was deathly allergic to peanuts; even the smell of peanut butter could set off a reaction. Understandably his parents were constantly worried about their child and sought out a solution in the alternative camp. They found a practitioner with an amazing electronic machine that can reprogram the body on an energetic, sort of homeopathic level. This child saw the practitioner a few times and is now eating peanut butter! I mean consider the miracle of extreme sensitivity and now actual consumption is safe!
So I sought out a practitioner in Toronto because heck, I had no troubling allergies, but I am a proactive kind of guy! I found Eileen fauster, a lovely lady in Toronto with such a machine, and she is good! I felt really relaly good after a session, and Eileen did find some imbalances in my body in my endocrine and immune systems which she helped rebalance. I did have a slight sensitivity to peanuts, which in our second visit she balanced, too. Now I can eat peanut butter and digest it easily, whereas before it kind of sat in my stomach like a lump. Yay Eileen! See her here, on my Anthony & Friends page.